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taizou boosted

I ordered a large amount of Indian food and instead of attempting to shove it all into my face in one sitting I have refrigerated some of it for tomorrow. That's what you call growth

taizou boosted

A new Plex feature shows you what your friends and family are watching, horrifies users:

"one of my friends is apparently watching a ton of cheesy, soft porn stuff"

"Discover Together and Week in Review emails are a MASSIVE breach of privacy and trust!"

"I just got an email about a friend’s watching habits which he definitely didn’t want to share."

"a certain percentage of people want to know what kind of porn grandma likes, but I’m hoping it’s not the majority"

Really haven't been keeping up with new Pokemon aside from the ones that are cute and/or sexy enough to be featured in artworks on my various timelines so every so often I get taken totally by surprise by something like this
When the fuck did this happen

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

The corporate web is so fucked like how do you have "1486 partners"
Yeah sure let me just go through all of these and make an informed decision on whether I trust each one

taizou boosted

"You wouldn’t bully a lion would you?" ScotlandCold on Twitter did a random draw over and AAAAAA~

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can't decide whether to keep this thing as a mediawiki or migrate it to something more lightweight/custom like what i have at

its just a place where i post pics and info about random consoles i have & that shouldn't really need all the overhead of a full ass collaborative wiki software but i do find many of its features useful even for that purpose

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

“I am so distressed by people who call themselves ‘radical feminists’ but are anti-trans. I could weep. I don’t get it. It’s beyond me,” she says. “When the feminist movement started in the 60s and 70s, lesbians were often excluded, because we were told that we would make the movement less palatable. I have been excluded myself, so how could I do that to someone else? It fills me with rage.”

#LGBTQ #Trans

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taizou boosted

This is why #fat shaming can have tragic consequences.

If this sort of #weight-based #medical bias happens to any of y'all, politely tell the #doctor (during your visit) that you want them to write in your file that they are refusing ordering tests for you because of your current weight. This usually causes them to order the test anyways because they do NOT want a malpractice suit. Remember: You want to make a paper trail to hold them #accountable.

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

i'll have to check the maths on this one but i think they're right

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taizou boosted

feeling like i should watermark pictures so people stop passing them off as actual pictures lol but also go play with it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!