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taizou boosted

Google's getting rid of the ability to view cached pages. Even though they weren't a permanent archive, I'm going to miss it. It’s been such a useful way to find copies of pages with the actual search result on dynamic pages where the current version doesn't have what Google found.

taizou boosted

proving that even the mightiest have a soft side 🦁✨🦁


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A few times I have told the anecdote that the singly most baffling thing I ever saw in a code review β€” not the most insecure, just the most β€œhow could a real programmer have written this? how could this ever make sense?” thing β€” was simply a C++ variable β€œnumber_of_trucks” … declared as float. Unambiguously referring to real physical trucks in a fleet.

Reader, it’s been over ten years and I am blowing the gods damn whistle. I had edited that story to protect the guilty: the variable was named number_of_planes. It was shipped by a company whose name begins with β€œB” and rhymes with β€œGOING out of business.”

It is actually possible to make MediaWiki fully mobile responsive while retaining all its navigation and functionality you know! I did it with the theme I made for !!

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Fucking hate mobile MediaWiki themes that suppress half of the functionality of the thing. Tried to look at Zelda Dungeon on mobile and there's just literally no navigation at all. Had to set it to request desktop site to even see categories ffs

taizou boosted

Ok Mastodon, this is what you are supposed to excel at, niche shit. Let's find this a home.

My teacher has a few shelves worth of Japanese digital #Karaoke discs. It's free to anyone who wants it. Located in #SFBayArea #カラγ‚ͺγ‚±

taizou boosted

'Eating rice, China' (1901-1904) is probably the most important historical photograph I have ever seen.

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The stylish, unknown & extremely rare SEGA AI COMPUTER (1986) promised natural language processing and "artificial intelligence" via its Prolog interpreter.

We're making available today, for the first time ever: system roms, game cards, tapes recordings, scans, photos, MAME driver & more:

taizou boosted


#webcomictalk Coral Red/Orange (or Salmon Red), happens to be my protagonist cat boy's fur color.

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A few days ago, my groovebox, the #SynthstromDeluge, running the new and awesome community-built firmware, crashed, which was very cool.

Not that it crashed, but what happened next: It displayed a colorful pattern on its pads.

That's a stack trace. It's listing the last steps the code made before crashing. The devs are have asked to be sent photos of these, to help them find bugs.

I've pasted it on Discord, and there's a _bot_ that recognizes these images and decodes them into addresses!

taizou boosted

huge thankyou to @mavica_again who fixed one of my ZX Spectrums, and is currently fixing two more for me :)
It did a very thorough job of repairing, tuning, and composite-modding this machine that was really showing its age. It now has a lovely stable image with all the right colours.
If you need an old computer fixing up, definitely see if Mavica has some time :)

taizou boosted

as an american muslim the idea of being concerned about surveillance by a foreign government is utterly hilarious to me

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!