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taizou boosted
taizou boosted

"hey why don't we just make one box that can do all this reliably" said no one ever

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look at the amount of shit I've got hooked up now just to capture fucking famiclones

taizou boosted

well I ordered one at like 6pm yesterday and it arrived this morning lol
it's nice!!!

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taizou boosted

Yeah vision pro is neat but the future is smart glasses you charge with a comedy nose called Mister Power

well my old laptop has started hard resetting every time it wakes up from sleep so it probably is time to get a new one after all

taizou boosted

Got a USB WiFi adapter that first mounted as a fake CD ROM drive with some software that I had to install before it'd actually function as a WiFi adapter. That's a new one on me. How does that even work

taizou boosted

from UpTime disk magazine (for Apple II), volume 11 number 1, 1985

taizou boosted

I'm now thinking what if I Just Got A Laptop and docked it in with all my desktop shit (monitors, mouse & keyboard etc) when i want to go desktop-mode πŸ€”β€‹

then i could just have one computer for everything & the high price of the laptop would be less of a stinger since it'd be replacing two things lol

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taizou boosted

since i got my work laptop last year it's been doing weird shit with audio that i could never figure out, adding reverb and weird boosting that made so many things sound awful, obviously some post-processing coming from somewhere but there was nothing enabled in either windows audio settings nor the realtek drivers

anyway today i found there's a THIRD thing called "Waves MaxxAudio" installed and THAT was the culprit. I turned it off and now everything sounds normal. Fucks sake

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!