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taizou boosted

i would probably like to build my own but i would have to buy a fucking windows license wouldn't i

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even though i was considering getting a new laptop i've now started thinking "hey what if i got a new desktop instead" hmmmmm
i prefer using a desktop in many ways tbh & my current one is ancient

i would probably have to keep the old one around for now for certain purposes (e.g. rom dumping) but could at least re-case it in a more compact case and only hook it up when i need it

taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Recent hs comm :3 ✨️🌌✨️tysm again :blobfoxheartcute:​:blobfoxheartcute:​:blobfoxheartcute:​ been posting quite a lot of bleps lately! I think it's one of the expressions ever

#furry #furryart #anthro #digitalart #mastoart

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Did an experiment for my university degree. Dressed as a homeless person & tried to enter unrestricted public buildings. Such as libraries, etc. I was so shocked & upset that 91%(!) of public buildings refused me access that I changed my career path to work with homelessness.

taizou boosted

The thing about #tech #layoffs that people who haven’t been through it often don’t understand is that morale never recovers. The employees who remain will never have the same relationship with that company, bosses or peers.

Watching people you respect pack their stuff and crying on the phone with their spouses is something that never goes away. When I survived a layoff in my 20s I became a β€œdo exactly what the ticket says” person. I stopped suggesting ideas, providing feedback, believing anything a manager told me.

If you are a company considering layoffs, especially a profitable company, you should approach it as β€œthis department will have 100% turnover”. The second I got another job offer I left that company and six months later nobody who had been there at the time of layoffs remained.

I’ve seen that pattern play out multiple times.

I've put together a page about one of the more interesting handhelds I acquired recently
I'm planning to follow a similar approach for documenting more stuff & I'd welcome feedback on how it's presented & organised & anything else you want to see in there

theres this one laptop i was strongly considering but i just found out the charging port is literally in the middle on the right hand side. and it isnt a right angle connector, it just pokes straight out. that's where my mouse goes! wtf

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Introducing the first beta release of SafeDiscShim, a tool that allows SafeDisc protected games of all versions to run on modern versions of Windows without the driver! See the repository and download the release at !

taizou boosted

A fess on behalf of my cat, who pretends to dislike my dog. How do I know she pretends? Because I recently got home CCTV installed and I can see from my desk at work that she grooms him & snuggles up to him on the couch when I'm not there.

I now have a small collection of two boys and one honorary girl

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!