It's frustrating though because this same company previously made 2 devices with IMO perfectly good controls, the D007 and D-R35 Plus, they had decent d-pads and big chunky face buttons so its weird they reversed track on something they were actually doing right
On the hardware side the screen is nice and it feels well built but i'm not enjoying the controls, the D-pad doesn't have much pivot & gives false diagonals, and the face buttons are too small and far apart. So even if the OS issue can be solved this might be kind of a miss sadly
It probably is able to boot from SD though since the SOC can usually do that as standard. So a custom OS is probably possible but it's unlikely any existing builds will work since they have to account for the screen and controls. And who knows if any devs will take interest in it
The OS is on internal EMMC here, and it's a dubious version of EmuElec. It works okay enough out of the box but I haven't found a way to access the EMMC which means customisation is limited. And another owner has managed to get it stuck in a bootloop by trying to change the theme
RK3326 devices are pretty widely supported with custom linux based OSs & the common setup for them is to have 2 MicroSD card slots, one for the OS and one for games
This does have 2 slots. But. However. It only came with a card in slot 1, which is full of ROMs and not much else
it has a 2.8in screen with an RK3326 CPU, that CPU is very common these days but its still quite rare to see it paired with a smaller device with smaller screen and no analogue sticks. and it looks very cool imho
very urgent mutual aid request post
hi hello! im sorry to have to do this but my job screwed up my entire general vague monthly budgeting stuff due to payday coming way earlier than usual in december. i have some things coming up this week that i absolutely have no way to pay and boy howdy are they needed!!
- Council Tax payment (£90.81)
whilst discounted and thankfully in installments, this one snuck up on me out of nowhere. its the *most urgent* one as this thing will be attempted to automatically go out on the 15th!!
- Electricity meter topup (uhh like £30?)
winter means its been cold as hell in my flat which means ive had the heater on a bunch and thats caused my pay-as-you-go meter to take a pretty big hit. i do have some vague plan to look into being not on a payg plan for this for money saving reasons but until then, i really would appreciate continuing to have access to this, as youd imagine
- Food (£40)
vague estimate, but i suspect that ill need to go food shopping again before i get paid and i also need money to sort out stuff to eat while im at work.
so in total, we're talking £161 rounded up? which is a lot holy heck but i genuinely cannot pay for any of this. I have like £10 in my bank account right now, and I dont get paid until late next week. to put it bluntly, I'm screwed without doing this. Please help if you can 💜 thank you
£0/£161 (pls be aware this place takes fees)
venmo and cashapp dont exist in the uk unfortunately (the latter used to but not anymore rip)
Friday #ClubAnthem is in full swing
UK petition: Allow transgender people to self-identify their legal gender.
Sign here:
Graph of signatures here:
Deadline: 12 June 2025
#trans #transgender #TransRights #UK #petition #ArmchairActivism #activism
That last one was from a silly non canon postgame chapter and. Well let's say they lean into it