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taizou boosted

Any new year resolutions? (to be fair I didn't pick one) โ€” Sort of. I made a list of some things I want to try to do or change this year and so far I haven't had the energy to follow through on any of them

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taizou boosted

Best non-licensed console fighting games? โ€” the Vast Fame ones on GBC. They use the engine from Takara's KOF games so they were working from a solid foundation but they're really good. Especially Queen Fighter 2000

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Favorite original (i.e. not a ROM hack) bootleg/unlicensed title?โ€ฆ โ€” Squirrel King. It's one of my favourite Mega Drive games overall & probably the best example of Gamtec's work on the system. Fun to play, great musicโ€ฆ

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Did you have a nice holiday? โ€” Assuming you're asking in the American sense it was Okay

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Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food? โ€” Actually it comes from ovum because people used to bake eggs in them in the olden days

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Favorite bootleg romhack? โ€” Monster Go Go Go. between the adorable chubby pikachu sprite and meowth reciting the haters version of My Heart Will Go On there's no contest really

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anyone want to ask me a question on here while it still exists

taizou boosted

โ›ฐ๏ธ Die lokale Zugspitzbahn wirbt mit dem Slogan โ€žI love Wankโ€œ und wollte diesen Spruch auf die Kandahar-Piste frรคsen. Das ist ein Problem. Diese Tourismuswerbung hat der Internationale Skiverband (FIS) untersagt. ๐Ÿ‘‰!6059528/

i need a new chair since my current one is barely holding together. but my desk is small & most chairs don't fit under it so really i'd need a new desk first. oh but a bigger desk with drawers won't fit so i'd need a separate drawer unit too. at this point i can't be arsed

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!