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Tell me again how #GenAI will extract meaningful trends from and answer queries about your data set.

#chatgpt4o #fAIl

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taizou boosted

Microsoft are homophobic prudes 

So I’ve been using Microsoft Stream at work to auto-caption videos. Part of my job is quality assurance so I double-check the captions for errors.

One recent annoyance is that the captioning software censors some words, replacing them with asterisks. One word in particular that has been a thorn in my side is the word “nipple”. I have had to work on several BREASTFEEDING videos. Needless to say, I’ve been retyping in the word “nipple” a lot.

Come to today, I’m working on a video about transgender and non-binary folks. The speaker said, “There is no such thing as straight sex and gay sex.” Lo and behold Microsoft in their infinite wisdom decided to censor the words “gay sex”. “Straight sex” is uncensored.

I’m fucking livid, but I have no real way to contact Microsoft on this. But, mark it down and spread the word, Microsoft are fucking homophobic prudes.

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Louise Lancaster:
4 years imprisonment for helping to cause traffic delays on the M25 by renting a house and buying climbing equipment.

James Nelson:
2 months imprisonment for smashing up 2 police vehicles and being “involved in the appalling and shameful violent disorder that impacted not just the national community, but in particular the Bolton community”

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Years ago Dragoneer bought me a new PC when mine was dying. He wanted to keep it private. I asked him what I could do in return. He simply said to just keep doing what I was doing. He would visit my streams, commissioned me more than once, and supported both my plush campaigns. Thank you for supporting me 'Neer...

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Of course of course as part of that you also have to do another API call for every mention to resolve the handle to a DID
God forbid it does literally anything for you

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Is this really what you have to do to put a mention or a link into a post. i am going to fucking piss

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like when replying to a post you don't just need to supply the id of the post being replied to but also the id of the root post in the thread so you have to go and fetch the post you're replying to to find out if it has a root post
and whenever i've said "id" here it's not really an id it's a "strong reference" which consists of a uri and a hash & you get those after posting a post but you can't retrieve a post using them directly, you have to parse out the uri into separate components yourself

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since i've been working on updating my old twitter bot code to support multiple platforms and add features i am currently concluding that bluesky has the most annoying api

What is your favorite cocktail? — honestly i don't drink cocktails regularly enough to have a favourite, if i find myself in a cocktail bar i just pick something i fancy off the menu. but i like a mojito, i like an old fashioned. maybe something with midori. or a long island iced tea cos it gets me drunk

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You playing anything seriously lately? — picked up eschatos which is great. still playing splatoon 3 but i think i've reached my skill ceiling at S+/X battle level cos I'm just getting my arse handed to me over and over which is not so much fun. also replaying mother 3 (i originally played it way back when the fan translation first came out & i've forgotten most of it by now)

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taizou boosted

going through my pile of random magazines from VGHF and finding some stuff i forgot was in there

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!