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taizou boosted

Apparently retrospring is closing down next year so I guess I cursed it by joining....
Anyway if you want to ask me a question in the meantime please do

I bought one and the PC doesn't fucking boot with it installed πŸ™ƒβ€‹πŸ™ƒβ€‹πŸ™ƒβ€‹:blobupsidedown:β€‹πŸ™ƒβ€‹πŸ’₯​:trash:​

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taizou boosted

Thank you!
I'll eat this.
(munch, munch, GULP!)!
Phew, you saved me.
This is the only way I can thank you.
Please take my musical instrument.

was looking into the same being possible with my GBA multiboot dumping

that one depends on abandoned closed-source program Xboo Communicator to act as the PC client & that doesn't allow you to configure the port so fuck me i guess. i'm already stuck using linux for it because theres no way to get raw port access on 64bit windows without a library which i have no way to make it use

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well i just updated my pc-gameboy linking program to support custom port mappings meaning you can use it with a parallel port on an expansion card rather than needing a 20 year old computer and/or rare modern motherboard with legacy ports on it

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

Dong Fish Word Blastery - Riot of Contra (J) [o1].nes

taizou boosted

After nearly 16 long years, the team is overjoyed to announce that the translation patch for Keitai Denjuu #Telefang 1 (both Power and Speed versions) is complete!

Released in 2000 for the #GameBoyColor, Keitai Denjuu Telefang is a game where you befriend sentient #monsters called #Denjuu. Riffing on Japan's unique #Keitai culture at the turn of the century, Denjuu are called into battle using #cellphones.

What gaming consoles (or computers) did you play on as a kid? β€” Amiga 1200 was my first but I probably spent more time with creative software like Deluxe Paint than any games. I did enjoy some of the (simpler) puzzle/strategy…

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taizou boosted

Found it.
You have to hack the palette to make it appear correctly, but there's a hidden image located off-screen in Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit! (1994) for the Super Nintendo.

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Are there any clone consoles that you’re desperate to own but haven’t yet been able to find? β€” In terms of hardware clones not really. But I would quite like to get hold of any Sunplus-hardware plug n play consoles with Nice...

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What's your lionsona origin story? β€” Back when I was vaguely "into furry" but didn't have a proper fursona I'd got into the habit of saying "rawr" a lot and a friend picked up on it and started calling me lion and I just...

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Apparently retrospring is closing down next year so I guess I cursed it by joining....
Anyway if you want to ask me a question in the meantime please do

taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted
taizou boosted

went in a dessert shop earlier and they had the menu up on 2 screens but they had more than 2 screens worth of menu so if someone wanted like a milkshake the worker had to reach up and manually page through to the milkshake page with the buttons on the monitor. good system

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!