Recently I've been going through my collection of consoles (as in, clones, plug n plays, all in one handhelds, emu machines, not the "proper" ones) taking an inventory and also checking on the batteries... Found two swollen ones so far
The interesting thing though is both of those are aftermarket replacements that I bought to replace low capacity originals (these consoles often use Nokia or GBASP battery clones so easy to replace), none of the originals seem to have gone bad so far PSA
Hey friends, it's hard to write this, but it's time to retire I wrote a post about it here:
TLDR the site will go read-only on or around December 15th.
I'm so thankful for all the support and good times here โค๏ธ thanks everyone
Without FFmpeg, we couldn't watch YouTube, yet the people who maintain FFmpeg don't get paid. Tell your employer to join the Pledge and #PayTheMaintainers!
New "byte"-sized blog post! Check out the first mapper for the Famicom, whose bytes are in a weird order. No seriously that's all it is
Honestly City Connection haven't missed with one of these revivals yet, at least from the ones I've played
Jajamaru, Psyvariar, Penguin Wars, Soldam and this are all fucking good and Rushing Beat X looks promising too