I ended up spending most of today working on a web page for when I get around to recommending doctor who audio dramas

after 3 days of work, I've built a page with all 1000-ish doctor who audio dramas, that I can relatively easily update to provide recommendations.

I'm just trying to work out exactly how I'm going to recommend things (because the audio dramas are very different to the tv stories), whether or not I should write reviews, and how to write my introduction post.

I want to point out that the reason this took so long is the file I made for this is 5300 lines long, most of which was manually entered.

request for feedback 

I've got a first draft of this up on my site, if you have a minute, I'd like to hear your thoughts:


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@lizardsquid I've yet to read the entire intro but already: Do you think you can make segments collapsible?


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@BatElite almost certainly, but why?

request for feedback 

@lizardsquid Because it's a bit of a very tall page right now?
(Heck, maybe some of those same-page links to every 50 or so segments, and where they jump to a "jump to top" link?)

IDK it I'm adding much.

request for feedback 

@BatElite adding links to jump around is a good idea, and if I add collapsible sections I'd probably also want a "collapse all spin offs" button, which does complicate things

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