recommendations for other tabletop Story Games
My first suggestion is to try out other games in general! D&D is really complex which makes it seem like it would be a lot of effort to learn another one, but that's often not the case.
Dungeon World is a good choice — it's D&D, but it's more flexible and less complex.
If you want something different, here are some favourites of mine:
* Apocalypse World
* Fiasco
* Hillfolk
* Hobospy
* Lady Blackbird
* Microscope
recommendations for other tabletop Story Games
@lizardsquid a
Fair enough, I do feel I want more story and less mechanics focus sometimes then d&d provides.
I feel with table top stuff there’s a lot that needs to be thought abt introducing someone rather than ‘just play d&d’
For example, paranoia was a heck of a lot of fun to play and much more story based (if very silly and surreal)
recommendations for other tabletop Story Games
@Doggo yeah, paranoia is great!
recommendations for other tabletop Story Games
@lizardsquid I think my problem with DnD so far has just been the seemingly glacial pace, and apparently we were going quick for by DnD standards...