You think I am making this up but

<< And the strongest animal, the most formidable, is the bear. If we were able to steal two bearskins and put you both inside them, there is no one alive who would challenge you on the highway! I can think of no better plan than that you disguise yourselves as bears; for they, of all animals, are most like people.' >>

<<'See how I have fared!' she exclaimed. And Alexandra began to dress Emelior first, fastened her in the skin with strong cords, all about her proper clothes, so that, in all honesty, no man would think anything other than that she was a bear, so exactly did each piece join with another. Emelior was delighted and said: 'Dearest Alexandra, how do you like me now? Am I not a handsome bear?'>>

<< Alexandra then wrapped William in the other bearskin. And when he was properly sewn in, William said happily to Emelior: 'Tell me, my sweetheart, how do you like me now?'

'By Mary the mild Queen of Heaven, so strong and fierce a bear you seem to be that I am terrified to look you in the face!'>>

<<William and Emelior made their way quickly through the garden, fiercely on their four feet, as bears do, and happened to encounter one of the new arrivals from Greece, looking at the plants. Terrified out of his wits, he raced out of the garden as fast as feet can run, for he firmly believed that they were pursuing him and would eat him. >>

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<< So ends the first part of this tale. All who would like to hear more should offer an 'Our Father' to the High King of Heaven for the noble Earl of Hereford, Sir Humphrey de Bohun, nephew of old King Edward who lies at Gloucester. For he is the first to have this tale translated from French into English for the benefit of all Englishmen; whoever prays thus, may God grant him bliss! >>

omg William you giant nerd hurry up and get working on your cosplay

<< Great joy was made in Rome as word of Emelior's betrothal spread. Everyone was happy that Emelior should have made such a marriage, to the heir of the Emperor of Greece! And every man told another, quickly, joyfully, until almost the only man not to know was William, for he was busy playing board games. >>


@natecull you don't happen to know where I can find the Middle English version?

I can only seem to find the medieval french and the modern english versions...

@lizardsquid Update: Ding!

At least I think this might be it?

It drops into French occasionally because some folios are lost.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!