Saints Row 4 

I remembered quite what a cheap move they did on this one that a lot of the quests are just "here's a list of takeover tasks you could do anyway" but...

Earlier today I had 14 "quests", of which only 1 was plot advancing and 5 were loyalty quests for crew. I've done none of the loyalty ones yet, so 8/14 being shitty grocery lists was the most charitable proportion it could have been too. they're all 3-6 items and talk-for-reward shit.

Saints Row 4 

Now I've (regrettably) binged almost all the takeover shit FSR, I guess because woo painting a map, and since most of these characters will give you *3 stages of shopping list* there were a few characters I could just stand talking to and get 3 convos worth of "you did it".

I'm assuming having nothing but loyalty and plot missions left will help pick it up a lot going forward, but ATM I'm really feeling like this game is just shoved full of vacuous ~content~ masquerading as value.

re: Saints Row 4 

@lizardsquid *Nuz nuz*

It's also there's now bronze-gold tiers to completing half of these takeover things, and all in all none of it is difficult at all (playing on normal)

Like I said it's probably only going to get better from here (and it's much more pleasant to play than 3) but still
It's pretty dang unfulfilling :<

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