What if rocks were soft and fluffy?
@lizardsquid ...wait hold up.
rocks CAN be soft and fluffy. if they have moss.
@Nine true!
@lizardsquid computers would look and act very different
@BatElite the squishiest of circuits
and clouds were hard and dense?
@kevinrns pilots would have to take a lot of evasive manouvers
only for the first few minutes
@lizardsquid they are in molten form……
@jaycee @lizardsquid
Those can be cuddled...once.
@lizardsquid i think you are thinking of pillows
@compufox I think I went to bed right after posting this, so maybe XD
@lizardsquid :3
@lizardsquid same energy as https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/1ecdcw/what_if_rocks_are_soft_but_tense_up_when_we_touch/