Windows takes up a 500GB partition on my laptop, because you can't make a windows partition smaller than half the drive.

I have only used it twice, once to download linux and once to find some info the needed when I sent it in for repairs.

Should I delete Windows?

@lizardsquid I'd be nervous about deleting the preinstalled OS, but can't you use Linux to resize the Windows filesystem as small as you want? (I haven't actually had to deal with a Windows install for a few years, so I don't know, but I think that used to work...)


@jamey in theory, yeah, but that might destroy the data on it

@lizardsquid I mean, that's how I inadvertently switched to Linux full-time in 1998, when the ol' PartitionMagic ate my NTFS partition, but the Linux partition resize tools are good these days...

If you're considering deleting the OS anyway, I guess I'd try the resize first, because you can't lose anything you care about. 😅

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