welfare, (-)
I'm so mad and upset
I lodged a claim for benefits back on January 29 and they sat on it, "processing" it
and just today they told me it was rejected, and did not tell me why at all
welfare, (-)
@Tarale well, they are sending more details....... in the mail
welfare, (-)
@lizardsquid This sounds like bullshit. Centrelink bullshit.
welfare, (-)
@Tarale it is... I'm going to have to actually go in to them on Monday and get them to fix it
welfare, (-)
@lizardsquid Ahh, so they can send you over to the self-service computers and telephones! God they are fucking useless. On purpose, I (cynically) suspect.
welfare, (-)
@lizardsquid I don't know where in Aus you are but these guys might have some help: http://www.nssrn.org.au/
welfare, (-)
@lizardsquid And the Not My Debt people have compiled an excellent page on other legal and welfare resources https://www.notmydebt.com.au/useful-links
welfare, (-)
@Tarale thankyou!
welfare, (-)
@lizardsquid You're welcome! I hope they can help. Centrelink are really… really… really… awful. Husband and I (mostly him because I've been doing baby stuff) have been working on some Centrelink related stuff for a while and oh mannnnnnn so bad so bad so bad
welfare, (-)
@lizardsquid I don't think they should be able to do that? I think they have to tell you why they rejected it, like if you didn't meet the requirements for the means test?