looking for software 

About 15 years ago on a windows pc, I found a program that tracked your time - it tracked how long you spent with certain programs open, and showed you a list from most to least used programs.

But now when I search for time tracking apps, I can only find things that are designed to reduce distractions, or are for tracking billable hours of work or something.

Does anyone know of any software that simply tracks your open programs?

re: looking for software (found it!) 

oop,. I just found it a few seconds after posting - it's ProcrastiTracker


re: looking for software 

Ok, procrastitracker is great and just as I remembered it...

except for one problem - back in ye olden days, it used to group browser time by domain name, so you could see stats about how much time you spent on youtube for example.

It doesn't work any more, because firefox changed and doesn't let outside programs get that info from it.

I wonder if there is anything that can link in to firefox like that?


re: looking for software 

@lizardsquid It's definitely possible to get that info from outside Firefox, though whatever method that program used may not work anymore.

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