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"You can't hoard princesses!" the knights shouted.
"I don't," said the dragon. "Tima, for instance, is a farmer."
"That's not what... You keep them looked in!"
"The lock is on the inside."
"They're not locked in. You're locked out."
"They can't do that!"
"I see why, now."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

@kentbeck I don't feel like this is a binary choice? The place I work seems to use a mix of both.


Theory: it's because we've switched our entire life to deal with differing situations, without knowing what we were doing, so there we're just learning to consciously access a skill we've had all along, while we've never developed the skill of telling ourselves apart.

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How is it that we're so much better at switching than knowing who is in front (and thus, knowing whether we've switched)?

@zigg Do they not go in an equal number of times, and if not, how?

transgender problems 

At first I had trouble dealing with shirt buttons being on the wrong side, but now they're all on the wrong side regardless of which side they're on.

Reminder to my neurospicy folks: you are great. Every time I take an ADHD inventory it makes me sad, because it talks about the ways that this type of neurodivergence inconveniences *other people.* Heck em, your purpose is not to be convenient. You are valid and inherently valuable regardless of how psychiatry treats you and regardless of how the workplace etc treats you.

@hollie If you notice me boosting (or posting) things that need a CW and don't have it, and you have the spoons for this, please call me out on it. I really do try to avoid polluting your feed.

I really miss when people CW'ed their political posts. I used to appreciate seeing that so much, it's a big part of what made Mastodon so much easier to scroll than the other site.

I wish Favoriting would also notify the person who boosted the post onto my timeline, so they can also know I appreciate them boosting it.

As the replies to that said, multiple profiles can be (sort of) achieved on discord using PluralKit, which btw I would fully encourage non-plurals to use it if it's helpful, it's not "appropriation" or anything.

It would be nice to have something similar on Mastodon. -Lexi

@minego It bugs me that the "inversion" of the if statement went from (a > b) to (a < b) and not (a <= b) as would be the logical negation.

10 years ago, Morusque released a free album of remixes inspired by our first game 'Blocks That Matter' that contains 9 amazing tracks from talented artists like Disasterpeace, Romain Gauthier, Square Tune Magician @zep @Spotline and more:

#remix #bandcamp

@SpriteGuard (replying to because I'm not posting on Twitter anymore)

Often there's important information you don't have, and no amount of consideration or research will fix that. In those cases, you can make a table - what's the best and worst case for each choice, given what you don't know? Can you do something else to mitigate the bad outcomes?

@SleepyCatten I had long hair in high school and would occasionally be gendered as a girl (usually by older people). Then they'd apologize once I spoke and I just didn't understand why they felt the need to apologize, since obviously girls are awesome and being compared to one is a compliment.


Follow-up: We've now cycled back to Charlie and, in addition to learning a lot from the experiment, Charlie seems a lot more functional now. So we think it was successful in getting Charlie the rest they need, and we plan to continue doing this in the future.

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@est I have been trying to remember the name of that show for YEARS.

@devxvda I think my brain developed plurality specifically as a copying mechanism for audio sensitivity/overload. I remember having problems with it in grade school but not since. And one of the system members is *really* sensitive, so our theory is that plurality let us cope by switching away from the one most affected.

I haven't noticed any change in it recently.

RT @made_marian
Myers-Briggs personality types are SO 2004. Here's my proposal for a useful replacement in 2023:

T/B (Top / Bottom)
M/N (Morning / Night)
P/X (Phone Call / Text Message)
D/C (Dog / Cat)

This system is perfect and I will not elaborate further.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!