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Casseroulette was: mashed potato, cream of celery soup, veggie crumble, eggplant. Surprisingly alright.

The gender of the day is a cluster of murderous hens.

queer discourse 

I see there is a discourse happening. I won't force "queer" or any other identity label on anyone, but I will continue to call myself queer and use it as an umbrella term, without apology.

Kira: Unfortunately for everybody I will keep doing whatever I want.

food, silliness 

I just thought of the term "casseroulette" to describe my cooking plans, and I love it. -Nikki

Here we are, finally, a real transfemme bingo card based on my real experiences of being trans.

@TheIronFox My understanding is that as long as they have some ability to act independently, even if that's limited to internal communication, it counts. Also, it is likely possible for them to learn to front, if that's something y'all want.

You're rocking it! Your gender is quite incomprehensible today!

@solient this is a habit I know is bad for me and I can never seem to break

@b0rk Networked games that desync in Proton because C standard library functions like sin() produce a slightly different result between different implementations.

@b0rk (C/C++) Code that works fine in one environment doesn't work in another because the second environment had floating point exceptions enabled in the CPU.

@b0rk Attempting to convert a bezier curve into lines, but the points are so close together that the "midpoint" is equal to one of your original points and you infinitely recurse.

really feel like I should have gotten to fuck around a whole lot more for the historic amount of 'finding out' that's happened in my lifespan

COVID, public health in general 

I sometimes feel like the rare person who considers COVID pretty serious but is too tired to rage at all the people not wearing masks and thus I conclude we should probably just meet people where they are (flawed as individual behavior is) and get serious about ventilation standards (and enforcement of those standards).

We didn't limit fecal-oral disease transmission in cities through individual shaming, we stopped it by building sewage and water infrastructure

@minego I don't really have one, but I did coincidentally start rotating hosts around that time and it's going great.

The neurodivergent experience: being born, looking around, and spending the rest of your life going "what the fuck is wrong with all of you," while your parents and teachers and bosses try to convince you that it is actually YOU who is the problem

The Goddess of Transfems: Congratulations on cracking your egg, I have unlocked all of your memories related to gender.

Me: Neat, do we get to go through them together?

TGoT: No, I have mixed them up in a big bucket which I will slosh on you every few days when you're busy with something else.

Me: Oh ok.

TGoT: You'll probably be more annoyed by that once you get the hang of emotions.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!