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Sometimes you see negativity directed against people who “collect hobbies”, that is: people who have an interest for a short while, get the stuff they need to try it, and then seemingly abandon those supplies.
This might be tied to a shame about wasting something (money, potential, time). But as a fellow collector I want to say: don’t think like that! Every interest migh cycle around and when it does you get much more fun out of it if you already have the supplies.
#art #specialinterest

Hey, how's that New Year's resolution coming along?

On a completely unrelated note, here is a completely random reminder that you can make improvements to yourself and your life whenever you'd like.

If you've failed before, then that is just practice for the next time. Learn from that failure, and try again.

You've got this. You can make you the you you want you to be.

@hollie A perk of making software is that you can give it away and keep it at the same time.

plurality/hosting arrangements 

We think that trying to have Lexi host more, in order to take advantage of her efficiency, had the unintended side-effect of worsening internal communication. Charlie's distractability was actually useful, it seems?

@SpriteGuard Now I'm trying to figure out if mocking anything I've said to you would genuinely upset me.

game development is seeing an ask for "two characters carry a box together" and proposing that the box carries the characters and only the box moves as an alternative and vastly simpler solution.

Mental health 

@minego For us, the hard part of internal communication is listening.

Mental health 

@minego Partial influence. We can try to go back to what it feels like for Lexi to front, or internally ask verbally. We've noticed lately that certain kinds of music seem to be a trigger. But it doesn't always work. We think she just needs rest sometimes.

Mental health 

@minego That happens to us when Lexi fronts.

PSA: If you don't have ADHD, you may be unaware how many of us keep going on & off our meds right now due to med shortages. It's not just Adderall anymore, there's no Concerta or Ritalin to be had either.

So please be patient with your scatterbrained coworkers and friends; we're trying. :) #ADHD

I feel like we should be asking, what "accommodations" do neurotypicals commonly get that aren't recognized as such? Example: I think waiting rooms have music (or other noise) because neurotypicals are put off by silence.

So OpenAI just released a detector of AI-generated text, I assume because of concerns in education / homework.

Maybe this is good?

No, it's very bad.

They claim 26% true positives, 9% false positives. Assume 10% of submitted homework is chatgpt generated, you get the classic counterintuitive outcome of poor predictive power: if a homework is flagged, there's a 3:1 chance it's *human* generated.

This is going to cause a lot of harm. It should be immediately recalled.

@dolari It also gives us one of the greatest out of context images of all times.

@hollie It's not so much different priorities, and it's not exactly amnesia either. It's more like, we can all see the same notebook but we don't have the same bookmarks/triggers. So if someone goes "I need to remember X meeting this evening", and we switch to someone else that evening, the trigger won't happen.

@hollie We actually got worse at this since our syscovery. Switching messes with memory, it turns out.

ever think of the songs we’re missing out of because no one will sing about open relationships or polyamory

I activated my Facebook to reconnect with old friends after disappearing for years and my god that is the saddest website. The vibe is like those rows of old folks playing slot machines.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!