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Last night the 11yo broke down the Google Slides middle school Chatroom for me:

1. At first they used a Google doc but the infinite scroll was too chaotic
2. In the slide deck each new slide is one “post”—some all text, some images, some both—
3. They use slides’ comments feature to “reply” to each other’s “posts”
4. This allows participants to easily flip between posts using the slide thumbnail navigation, so they can find the conversations they care about easily
5. He owns the file & if anyone spams it, deletes other people’s posts, or gets nasty, he can revert the file to its previous save state & remove the spammer’s access
6. He did share the file with me on purpose, I think because he was proud & wanted me to see what he’d made

Essentially they’ve created a chatroom with moderation in Google Slides, so they can get around the school’s ban on platforms like Discord. It’s kind of brilliant

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Written for friend w/boss considering SAFe:

"No process or artifact or ruleset can produce the 'better' you want, only strengthening your people and giving them power & trust, all the way to the ground floor. This is not easy, but if you have the ability to do it, the result will out-perform every software development 'methodology' yet devised. Installing Agile, of any flavor, certainly including SAFe, simply will not get you what you want."

(Feeling coach, might delete later.)

BOSS: I need you to put these coupon stickers on all the Pick Me Up boxes

EMPLOYEE: Do you care where we place those stickers?

BOSS: Yeah, *on the box*. Don’t make me repeat myself. Idiots.

How gender are you feeling today?

why don't you make like a tree and convert water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight into chemical energy?

Query for the trans, queer, neurodivergent &/or disabled people I see on my home feed

How are you all so very, very much a combination of:

• Pretty
• Gorgeous
• Stunning
• Handsome
• Funny
• Witty
• Lovely
• Adorkable
• Kind

🥺 :blahajHearts: :trans_heart: :progress_pride: :neurodiversity: :disability_pride:

#trans #transgender #queer #LGBTQ #neurodivergent #disabled #disability

When layering two pairs of pants, it's important to put the outer pair's pockets inside the inner pair's pockets. I have no idea why.

I like to listen to nothing during walks and find out what's going on in my head. (response to something in my timeline but doesn't need to be a reply)

Computers have been beating the best human Go players since 2016. The Go world champion retired in part because AI is “an entity that cannot be defeated.”

But a human just trounced one of the world’s best Go AIs 14 games to 1:

I think this news story is more interesting than it might first appear (without knowing details, so grain of salt). It isn’t just a gaming curiosity; it points to a fundamental flaw with “deep learning” approaches in general.

I’ve had it.

The reason you feel you can’t effectively communicate over zoom is that you confuse “captive audience” with “engaged”.

Just cos someone is looking at you doesn’t mean they are paying attention. They’re just being polite.

You earn attention. You’re not owed it.

Because a friend found this useful yesterday:
Before tackling a problem, figure out whether it's the sort of problem where when you've solved 80% of the problem, you've solved 80% of the problem, or the kind where solving 80% means you've solved 0% of the problem.

This is especially important in security and privacy because that last 5% might be impossible.

mastodon meltdowns, meta 

Yes, it really sucks when an instance shuts down. Yes, it really sucks navigating interpersonal conflicts. Yes, it really sucks discovering that some admins are shitty, actually.

But, consider this: this isn't just about a migration from Twitter to Mastodon - or to fedi, for that matter.

Rather, we're all collectively having to relearn how to build and maintain communities and their infrastructure, after two decades of total reliance on corporations to (fail to) do so.

That *is* going to be a messy process, involving a lot of conflict as people figure things out. For many, it's learning these things the hard way, through trial and error.

It may be painful, but it's very much worth it in the long run. And fedi just happens to be the environment that people learn it in.

Just absolutely floored that the state-of-the-art in keeping language models on the rails is "give it a really firm talking-to about staying on script" and that this approach has been publicly and embarrassingly proven not to work multiple times, and that they still just keep trying with more elaborate and forceful pep talks

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!