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@recursive Did I fail this? I know I reposted a link to an article about the ad targeting. Should I have added a CW?

If you're switching to Firefox this week, I collected a list of the team's favourite hidden features back when I worked there:

What is your main browser (engine)?

Re-running a poll I saw on Mastodon a while ago, before various migrations. Just collecting numbers, not seeking advice or anything. Please boost for reach.

streaming Finishing up Klonoa, hopefully? Might have time to start Klonoa 2?

important insights gained by a newfound ability to access the visual imagination 

I may have found the on/off switch but I have no idea how to use this thing.

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important insights gained by a newfound ability to access the visual imagination 

Grimace is candy-corn shaped.

Adding "lol" to the end of your sentence is an ancient ritual to ward off existential dread lol

Be your authentic self.
If that means the timid townsfolk flee before your dangerously shambling form, terrible darkness, and unearthly beauty, so be it.

consent violations re: kink, in abstract 

@gardevoir Also adults tickling children without asking is a common consent violation, or at least was when I was a kid.

streaming Wow it's been over 2 weeks since I last streamed. Let's fix that. BIT.TRIP Runner.

re: easy way to ruin video games forever // 

@lioness Video games are much simpler, after the first time we just assess whether we'd care if we never play that particular game again. If we're indifferent then it's not worth playing.

re: easy way to ruin video games forever // 

@lioness Though in our case it's more like who was I 10 seconds ago and how many of us are really conscious? -Ionas

re: easy way to ruin video games forever // 

@lioness This fucks us up so much. -Ionas

Well, I hope you're happy.

You've been spending all your time doing your best despite a mind a body lacking a manual, a society that's largely indifferent to whether even your basic needs are met, and (statistically) repeated traumatic experiences. And maybe discrimination for something that shouldn't reflect badly on you, or flat denial of your lived experience which is categorically real and valid.

After all that, you deserve happiness. It's OK if you haven't found it yet, but I hope you do.

I'm a geologist and this isn't cute or funny. Rocks only climb trees like this when they're very stressed.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!