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AI art 

@matoakit Whether they actually own the copyright would have to be tested in court.

@zeborah FWIW the rationale for me was to avoid namesearching on twitter, but that hopefully shouldn't be necessary anymore here.

@norootcause I need it there so it doesn't mix with my other complexity.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’ve reduced complexity just because you moved it somewhere else.

@norootcause I need it there so it doesn't mix with my other complexity.

It hit me this morning that often what I find frustrating in discussions around "intellectual property", piracy, large datasets for training things like CLIP, &c. is that IP is a really really poor substitute for actually useful conversations around consent and respect

Like Elsevier asking me to "pwease no steal uwu" about journal articles is very different than, like, an individual selling self-published books on the side saying "hey I need this money to pay rent, so please purchase it legit"

An artist saying "hey I don't like for-profit companies building generators from my work that I posted to deviant art" is very different than Disney cracking down on people making shit with characters they "own".

Someone saying "hey this is really personal work, I don't really want it passed around and edited without my consent" is not the same as pebbleyeet getting mad at anti-fash edits of his comics.

IP is bullshit but that doesn't mean we have to take unnuanced all-or-nothing approaches to things.

That would be like saying if you want to support squatters taking over an airbnb then you can't have a lock on your bathroom door: it's conflating such wildly different things that it's a little silly.


I've been settling on a stance of: I will conserve when it's convenient, and not worry when it's not. If my individual efforts don't actually matter, I should save my effort for other things.

One exception: I think that supporting alternatives, when available, does actually help, not because of the direct effects but because it helps them scale up.

Thinking about plural representation and how fantasy conceptions of magic and telepathy are so similar to how we actually function.

People with aphantasia are the real Third Eye Blind.

Huh, I wonder what [thing] is. *searches online*

*opens article*

*article is actually a video*

WELP, guess I'll never know! *closes tab*

@minego This is already way more thought than the topic deserves.

twitch, transphobia, ableism 

Twitch have added a bunch of new charities to their list, and two of them are the LGB alliance - a transphobic hate group - and Autism Speaks - an ableist hate group.

This can't be allowed to stand. Please use the link below if you have a twitch account to vote for this issue:

@minego No, and also it probably counts as an intoxicant for purposes of the fifth precept.

@est Mostly what I heard as a westerner was that the goal was to stop having desires so you don't suffer. Which turned out to be wrong.

@merlyn383 @erwinrossen @kkomaitis This sounds like it would apply to accessibility software like screen readers as well. I'm basing this on a machine translation, but it looks extremely broad.

Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.

@hollie I see this was answered already, but I wanted to mention that you can verify this using the Network tab of Developer Tools in Firefox (and probably other browsers).

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!