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This article from @dangoodin about "juice jacking" is the kind of article which make me happy to be an Ars Technica subscriber.

Actual research and nuanced information, while still making it clear that general fearmongering is unwarrented.

I also really appricate that the article includes the following, which is really key in the disucssion:

"The problem with the warnings coming out of the FCC and FBI is that they divert attention away from bigger security threats, such as weak passwords and the failure to install security updates. They create unneeded anxiety and inconvenience that run the risk of people simply giving up trying to be secure."

On my old Twitter account I used to spend a lot of time carefully curating politics/news links and RTs and on here I don't post about politics at all, part because the vibe here is calmer and I don't wanna disrupt it but part because it was exhausting.

This said there IS a constant escalating week by week eliminationist war on trans people in the US with basically zero pushback from liberal entities/politicians so if you're cis please go like… read news yourself… until you are informed. Thanks

covid, grumping 

@picklish Masking in indoor spaces where I'm likely to encounter other people, except at work or when eating. Keeping up on vaccine recommendations. Last time I went to a con, I worked from home before and after to reduce the chance of spreading anything, will probably just test in the future instead.

Is it common to experience heightened sensitivity when recovering from autistic shutdown?

School trauma, mention of CPTSD, disturbing (illustrated, fantasy-style) depictions of wing-cutting, thorns, swords, fake blood 

When school is torture...

A comic about autism and “school avoidance”. (1/2)

#AutisticComicTakeover #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Education #AutismAcceptanceMonth

covid, grumping 

@picklish I dunno, I feel like I'm far more cautious than most but also less cautious than I should be. Like it's probably not going to make much difference, but what I'm doing is barely an inconvenience anyway.

I've been going to conventions that have mask+vaccine policies (but those are *also* limited by me budgeting my flights).

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie Come to think of it, the same behavior could also be both.

Autistic ramblings 

@Sophie Really hard to sort out in general what is an autistic trait and what is a result of the way autistic folks are treated.

i might just carry n95 masks for the rest of my life. they're great. weigh nothing, take up no space, fix so many problems. stinky? smokey? pollen? pet dander? forgot to shave? want to avoid face rec? have to be around sick people? dont want to have to show emotions? nbd! one piece of paper fixes all of these problems & more!

stream announcement I'm live trying to learn to play BIT.TRIP Runner perfectly with my toes again. It's been a while so I'm probably worse at it than usual.

@Sophie It sounds like your hypersensitivity is stronger than ours (well, Kaedyn's), but we like looking at trees.

food (eating disorder-ajacent?) 

@Sophie I'm crying about this now. I'm glad I was too, and I think it protected me in some ways. But it still really sucked and left me with trauma to face now.

food (eating disorder-ajacent?) 

@Sophie I think this is a recurring theme for me: I was never willing to misrepresent or doubt my experiences. I used to assume that the way I experienced the world was fixed and could never change. I also assumed others had similar experiences, and figured if everyone hid them nothing would change.

Unfortunately, kid me resented others for that. I'm sorry, I know you were doing your best like we all were.

food (eating disorder-ajacent?) 

@Sophie I'm so sorry that happened to you. I think it's more understood by parents now that it's not ok to try to force their kids to eat specific foods/amounts.

I remember I just wouldn't try to eat or try to hide that I wasn't eating. To my kid brain this seemed perfectly reasonable - I wasn't going to lie but I didn't want them to go to extra trouble. I don't think I had to do that very long before my parents started working to accommodate my tastes.


I have hard-boiled eggs and I sliced one up and put it on my sandwich and why have I never thought of this before.

Hi Everyone!👋

Meditation can help reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Here are three tips:

Set aside time each day to meditate
Try different types of meditation, such as guided or silent
Focus on your breath and let your thoughts come and go

Meditation is a great way to give yourself a little extra space in your day. It can give you a space to breathe and make better decisions.

Treat yourself to some calm.

@Sophie This relates so strongly to plurality for us. Some of us are good at feeling one or the other of those, some of us are good at emotionally supporting others in different ways, and some of us are not and if no one is there who knows how to give support then we can't do that even though we want to and we're learning to accept that.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!