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How many people have scared and traumatized children hiding in their brains and don't know it?

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We made contact with a syskid this week, and.. they must have been in here since the body was that age? Just, hiding until it was safe to come out? That's really weird to think about.

@Sophie We seem to have one sysmate that doesn't dissociate from the body the way the rest of us do. One of our theories about system origin is that the system is there so we don't have to experience that when it would cause sensory overload.

This is getting a lot more attention than I expected for something I threw out there following an awkward call 😅 guess I'm not alone in this

The thing I fear is politics around minors getting affirming care. Every time I post a link to an article in our Pride channel, that feels devasting to me as someone who was forced through natal puberty, I pause and consider how many coworkers probably don't see that as a problem.

To many liberals, teens on blockers/HRT is a debate. An idea that concerns them because they see transitioning as something irreversible one could regret.

But this is a false choice. A choice that betrays their inner feeling, that being trans is less ideal than being cis, if being cis were an option. That it would be better to default -- a choice itself -- to forcing kids through natal puberty, if there's a chance they might be ok being cis. That forcing kids to watch their body develop in irreversible ways, even after they express dysphoria over it, is ok if it could just be a phase.

It's a debate to them, something they view as tricky, because they can't give up the idea that being trans is a last resort.

Being trans has been the most beautiful thing I've embraced in my life. I love the person I've become. The hard part is how hard the world wants to make it. My only regret is everything I didn't get to experience as my true self.

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@Sophie [Iore] I think for me this is more of a consent thing? Like, if I know someone is ok with/enjoys being made fun of, then it doesn't bother me.

Maybe caring about this level of precision is also an autistic thing.

@Sophie [Dreamer] I'm pretty sure allistic people can learn and choose not to be assholes. But maybe it's harder for them to make the connections and easier to ignore them?

But, all things being equal, I strongly believe we all have the power to modify our attitudes over time. There's at least some choice in there.

“Many autistic people report not being able to enjoy humour if it’s at somebody else’s expense.”

This is the kind of thing that makes me worried about people as a whole, I always figured this was true for everyone and the only reason people laughed at “punching down” jokes was because they didn’t properly understand what the joke was about. I don’t know how to feel about a world where people really do understand and just, find it funny anyway…

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@Sophie My impression is more that they're happy *discussing and speculating* on things they could easily google. Not that I'd know what being allistic is like.

probably nonsense 

People may just not be a very good model of humans.

@suricrasia I once made a Python script that was also a Bourne shell script that finds Python and execs itself with it. The Bourne shell portion starts with """true" so Python treats it as a multi-line string, and sh treats it as a command. sh doesn't care that it's followed by a bunch of invalid code.

Look, I’ll admit it
I’m tired
of taking precautions
and I’m tired
of calculating risks
but I shall continue
for it is not so much
that I am experiencing
compassion fatigue
as that I am fatigued
by the lack of compassion
I see all around me.

So my brain short-circuited on Sunday into Monday and the verbal aphasia is gonna be BAD for the next few days.

Let's talk about aphasia and circumlocution.

something cis people should know about trans trauma 

If you, as a cis person, want to know what growing up as a trans woman in this society is like, one manifestation of the trauma is in becoming a fully grown human and still, in many cases, having the nagging belief that everyone sees you as a predator, maybe even other trans people, despite all of the kindness and grace you have done your very best to practice.

And yes, all of these recent state laws will hurt another generation that way.

Posting this amazing art ("pink in the night") by Eunnie, who has seemingly not yet joined the fediverse, so that you're not missing out :TransHeart:

I have added full alt text, which was sadly missing from the posts elsewhere.

You can follow her at:

#trans #transgender #TransFem #lesbian #sapphic #queer #LGBTQ #DigitalArt

In your opinion, the SteamDeck from Valve is:
Appreciate boost for more input...

stream announcement Still learning BIT.TRIP Runner. Probably still spending most of the time on 1-2.

stream announcement Hey I'm playing BIT.TRIP Runner on the Internet again and I feel weird about announcing it but here we are. Will be a short stream because it's late.

The section "Reviewing old cards can become a chore" describes well why I got so frustrated with Anki that I wrote my own flashcard program for private use. The answer to that for me was to simply not have timestamps at all and instead treat intervals as a quantity of reviews. When you run out of reviews, then you can add new cards. It's probably still not the most effective for language learning, but at least this way is more fun for me.

It’s hard to shock asexuals because they just don’t give a fuck

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!