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If you've got 5 minutes to spare, could I interest you in a short survey about titles? Everyone of any age, gender or location is invited, and it's open until at least Monday 14th August 2023.

Thank you!


Junk mail with an envelope that says "please recycle". Maybe you could please stop wasting paper instead?

@hollie Is this by following a link sent to the email address?

@octopus @picklish Interesting. I don't think "software development" is the right place to draw the line. If I'm just making a game that's not even going to access the network, being licensed and held to a code of ethics doesn't make much sense to me. If I'm working on a website that handles other people's personal information, then yes I do want that and I want others to be held to it.

@octopus @picklish Interesting. I don't think "software development" is the right place to draw the line. If I'm just making a game that's not even going to access the network, being licensed and held to a code of ethics doesn't make much sense to me. If I'm working on a website that handles other people's personal information, then yes I do want that and I want others to be held to it.

streaming More Runner, but I've scrapped the spaced repetition system entirely and made it simultaneously simpler and less predictable. It now accounts for the notion of better and worse scores/outcomes. Will be fun to see how that goes.

You will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head.
Be kind to yourself.

best thing about wearing a mask out is not catching all of the crud when i go out, but the second best thing is when i get home i can take off the mask with one hand and shake out my long auburn tresses in slow motion, revealing myself to be incredibly hot

"At first we believed that programmers were latently sexist/transphobic, and due to their demographics had never thought about the fact that minoritized communities might need to change their name or gender marker. However with further research, we discovered the problem was larger: Programmers had never thought about anything, at all"

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I've long believed that the crucial advantage of the term "queer" over the acronyms is that is acknowledges that diversity is not something you can exhaustively enumerate. we must be always prepared to embrace diversity that we hadn't considered before. this is the most consistent inclusivity

@Sophie Readable JavaScript is so cool though. Someone might see it and learn something. 🥺

@wuest There used to be projects for embedding Gecko, but as I understand it none are maintained anymore as upstream Firefox doesn't make this easy to keep working.

If someone finds a way to skip the privacy questions please let me know.

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Reminder that the Windows account creation process has speed tech. You can skip the tutorial by logging out with Ctrl+Alt+Del and logging back in.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!