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One of the thing I’ve learned about the consequences of bullying is that when people tell you things like “I’m pretty bad at math” or “computers aren’t for me” or “I don’t really get art or fashion” and you talk to them for a bit what you often find - not always, but often - what that really means is “somebody treated me like shit for trying to like this when I was 9.”

@mavica_again I can't conceptualize myself as being my body and not just "in" it. -iore

curious about something. wanna see how big the #GameDev community on mastodon is. are you a game developer?

@eniko I've dabbled occasionally but I don't feel it's enough to apply the label even of hobbyist but I'm at least some kinda gamedev so I picked "something else".

Windows is really inconsistent about using 24-hour time formats when they're set.

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Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.

I'm back from my trip btw, sadly cut short so I didn't get to go visit any friends, but the convention was great.

Setting all my clocks to UTC because fuck time changes and fuck time zones.

Finished my first ever link to the past randomizer seed during my SGlive trip. It was an overworld+door+entrance shuffle. Probably would've been much faster if I took notes.

I’m very adamant about using “toot” instead of “post”. I’ll die on this hill, but hopefully not today because I have lots of errands to run, like buying stamps at the toot office.

The Fedi Meta, TBS, Blocklists, Everything Summarized 

I've written out a very, very long blog post intended to be both a refresher for anyone who hasn't been following all this shit and as my side of the story for some of the more contentious elements, and I encourage anyone who cares about this kind of stuff to give it a read when they can:

A growing number of reports indicate #Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following October 7 attack.

Many details of what transpired on October 7 continue to be shrouded in mystery, including how the 1,400 Israelis who died were killed. A growing number of reports indicate the Israeli military was responsible for civilian and military deaths.


@draknek It's good to have a system, I think, and then completely ignore the system when you wanna do something else.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!