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I knew the Dunning-Kruger effect wasn't valid, but thanks to this post I finally understand why: "The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation"

Poverty shouldn't exist. For anyone. Ever. Too often I hear 'No one with a job should live in poverty.' True. But let's go further. No one should live in poverty, job or not. Jobs should be a ticket to more than just survival.

Think thriving, not surviving; buying fun, not life.

streaming Continuing my ALTTP door rando seed from forever ago. In which I took no notes so I now have to work out where I am from scratch.

I'll be taking notes this time.

@gendercensus That's an odd number of people so I don't think it can really be a tie.

plurality (thread) 

I think what makes this most challenging is to balance the need for an internal narrative and the way our beliefs shape our internal reality, while also being open to the possibility of being wrong. It's good to question things when they don't seem to line up so you can get a more accurate model, but not too much.

And we have to be more willing to question our explanations of external reality, which mostly does not seem to be influenced by our ideas of it.


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plurality (thread) 

One thing to also remember is that non-plurals also have an internal narrative that they tell themselves, regarding where their thoughts/feelings/motivations/actions come from, and I'm guessing most do not spend much time doubting that narrative, even though it's at least as limited and likely to be incorrect as the plural model.

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plurality (thread) 

In our experience, the brain is influenced by the way we explain our own experiences. It'll respond to doubt by cutting things off, making it harder to hear headmates and identify them. It may even result in emotional harm. Conversely, committing to a narrative makes these things easier, even if the narrative doesn't perfectly match reality.

Reality, even of the human mind, is too complex for us to grasp anyway. Plurality is the best model we have, but it's still a model.

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plurality (thread) 

There's a common concern among systems of "parroting" - basically putting words in your headmates' mouth. You think your headmate said something, but was that really them? Maybe you just imagined it, or it's what you think they would say.

I think we have to accept the uncertainty (assuming they don't correct us) and proceed as if they did, because the alternative is worse.

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plurality (thread) 

We're realizing that the way we interact internally is part introspection and part collaborative story-telling. We don't really know if a particular thought/feeling/motivation/action came from the headmate we think it did, but when we do attribute things we (by necessity) don't worry about things.

@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic Of my own, yes. I don't think it's really possible to sense others' boundaries. I try to ask first if I haven't been told, and gratefully accept correction if I cross one.

streaming Continuing with BIT.TRIP Runner, but changing my approach slightly.

Instead of going somewhere to eat and be social today I took a nice nap. 😴🎉

"cringe" as autistic empathy // 

@flesh @lioness Another thing making me wonder: how much of this is directly a feature of autism and how much is down to the way autistic people are treated?

meet the merge

(curious to know if this one is confusing, I think it's an unusual explanation of merge)

New: Firefox users have reported an "artificial" 5-second delay when they try to load YouTube videos that is magically fixed if they use Chrome, which has been going viral in a few different places. I asked Google what is going on. They

1) Didn't deny the artificial wait time is happening
2) Said it's part of its war on ad blockers, not targeted at Firefox

Mozilla also told me no indication this is targeted at Firefox

@mavica_again When we have trouble, we usually front-trigger Kaedyn, who unlike most of us is good at executive functioning. Unfortunately, this solution requires having someone like that available in your brain.

Israel has questions to answer after WHO's profoundly worrying Gaza hospital report | World News | Sky News

As the normally pro-Israeli government Jerusalem Post has put it, Israel has presented a much weaker case to the world about Hamas's presence at the hospital than expected.

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Computer Fairies

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