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We thought we knew how Voyager would end. The power would gradually, inevitably, run down. The instruments would shut off, one by one. The signal would get fainter. Eventually either the last instrument would fail for lack of power, or the signal would be lost.

We didn’t expect that it would go mad.

The degree to which everyday life assumes all adults have a backup adult at the ready anytime is ridiculous.

Plurality talk, Mental health positive and negative 

@joan It sounds like you probably have this covered, but compassion for yourselves will help a great deal. -Lore

plurality question, boost appreciated but optional 

@deci We all appear to have access to all memories, with a few caveats. We are not all equally able to find each memory. We do not process memories in the background, and so a headmate often reacts to a memory for the first time significantly later than the event. On one occasion we've noted emotional amnesia - the ability to recall the events but not the emotions that happened to another alter, with no indication that anything is missing. -Lore

I sort of wonder if part of the reason we aren't supposed to talk about mental illness is because, if people learn how widespread it is, they might start to realize there's something wrong with the system, rather than them.

@b0rk I have a thing that lets me type :Blame in vim to run git blame on the file I'm looking at, put the result in a new buffer, and move my cursor to the line I was looking at. And a few utilities for making worktrees recursively with submodules that are also worktrees (which I know you're not supposed to do but I do it anyway).

@b0rk My "ff" alias for "merge --ff-only" is because I think of a "fast forward" as something different from a "merge" and it.. feels wrong to me to use the merge command to do it?

Although since you mentioned long commands, I might make an alias for "push --force-with-lease" because that's the only way I'll ever bother to use it.

@hollie When I canceled, I called them.

Presumably the proposed "Click to Cancel" rule would make this illegal.


@Lucis I think we spend a lot of time with no one in particular fronting and it leads to a similar response.

@renegadejade On E, can't tell because there was so much concurrent mental health improvement and discovery. (I suppose that's technically a yes, I'm just not sure about causation.)

Hypno, a little bit cocky but in a playful way 

@Lucis I question the implicit assumption that trance is inherently a disadvantage and can't be an advantage.

@hollie FWIW I've had appointments like that where I've still gotten useful info.

Re: d/s // 

@lioness Basically our system's dynamic with Nat as the sub with no morals or limits, except we don't do kink with them and they've been inactive for a while.

plurality and hypnosis 

Had some good success in an experiment (using playlists and a text-to-speech script) trancing our best hypnotee and then having them switch to someone else so the second person could experience the same quality of trance. We'd tried trance for switching before, but we hadn't worked out all the steps we needed to do for a good switch and described them in a script.

I feel like asymmetrical relationship should be OK? Like, for example, a relationship that's romantic for one person and platonic for the other, and they both know and are OK with that. Why do partners have to reciprocate feelings, if they can love each other in their own ways?

Dear @mozilla
Please, please, please put the RSS indicator back in Firefox.

People need to know about this technology which empowers users over greedy, controlling corporations.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!