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shark art, eye contact 

You ever just had a vague idea of a piece you'd like of your sona, but you're aphantasic and don't really know what that'd look like save for the most abstract description?

Well it turns out @fluxom_art read my mind, and it turned out better than I could've hoped!

I'm a plantshark now :blobcatuwu:

Going live with my romhacking project to remove screen flash effects from Mega Man 2.

tf, microfiction 1/? 

You wake up one day and the "I'm not a robot" CAPTCHAs don't work anymore.

Doing some Mega Man 2 hacking, still working on removing screen flash effects.

Going live with some Mega Man 2 hacking - removing full screen flash effects.

Me: The race condition happens because the thread just posts a message to make X happen, then does something that requires X to have completed.
Brain: It's surprising that we still use the notion of a linear order of events when thinking about race conditions.
Me: Wait, what?

A piece for @starless !!! In which I was given the list of tags to an image and backwards engineered it from there. Came out EXACTLY like the original. Completely. Perfect recreation. I wanna get some tea and take a nap, actually

having a techie girlfriend is being asked "what happens when you click it though, like what's the error" and going "i mean it just doesn't work" and hearing the sharp inhale of someone working through their tech support trauma right in front of you to avoid screaming

About to reverse-engineer some Zelda 1 audio code, for converting recorder tunes.

fun with linux 


I have the Zoom client installed on my computer (the only things I use it for don't need encryption). And every time I leave the computer for any length of time, when I come back, the Zoom client has started on its own.

It's not a specific interval. It's not a specific time. It just seems to be any time I'm away from the computer for more than 15 minutes; when I wake the computer back up, Zoom's sitting there, waiting.

I check running daemons, I poke at background tasks - nothing.
Finally, it occurs to me: "when I wake the computer up". So on a hunch, I check xscreensaver - which has an oooold screensaver called "zoom". I don't have that screensaver installed, but it's listed in the possible screensavers, so xscreensaver checks for it - and it doesn't just check the screensavers directory, it checks $PATH too.

I remove the "zoom" line from ~/.xscreensaver - and the problem goes away.

When I need to test things on Windows for work now it goes Windows->synergy->synergyc->Linux (local)->Remmina->x11vnc->Linux (work)->VirtualBox->Windows. It's kind of amazing that the whole chain works.

tucking (genitals) 

Everyone says to use tape but I've found that shoelaces do a much better job of keeping the balls in place while being less painful, and once they're in place there's no need to secure the rest of it, underwear is good enough. Why does everyone use tape?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!