Love reading a new codebase to understand it and immediately finding 2 bugs. 😭

Why didn't anyone tell me growing up that imagination is basically cheat codes for the brain?

It was just pointed out to me: keeping Mono maintained is important for preservation. .NET Framework images can't always be recompiled. That's most obvious with Wine, but sometimes upstream Mono is used for that too.

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This has been in the works since April:

I'm not explicitly mentioned in the post, but effectively the maintainer duties for the Mono project now fall on me. It sort of worked out that Wine Mono (which I maintain) became the primary user of Mono that hadn't moved to modern .NET, with the other common use case being winforms on Linux. I might be the only person left who cares enough and has the generalist knowledge to muddle through.

Thinking how cool it'd be to like, shed a bunch of possessions and have a seasonal living arrangement: winters here, summers visiting people throughout the country and working remote (ideally sharing with someone so housing isn't wasted). Probably never going to happen, but it'd be cool.

(I'm about to go visit someone and it's so much easier in summer.)

stream announcement Still playing Ultimate NES Remix, trying to become less terrible at Mario.

Today I learned that the Alien franchise is owned by Disney, which means that every xenomorph egg that hatches, being a daughter of the xenomorph queen, is technically a Disney princess

Article re: going no-contact with parents 

Ok this is such a good post.

“No one needs a reason to justify estrangement, because estrangement is not about blame. Instead, it highlights the fact that adult relationships require mutuality.”

stream announcement Continuing with Ultimate NES Remix on foot controls. Made some controller modifications last time that I'm hoping will help.

Because ADHD brain, I just made this thing that lets me put a command in a new gvim terminal buffer. So I can do

$ window top

and it'll make a new gvim terminal buffer and run that in it.

(Also made this morning: a "pager" that does something similar but with stdin, so man pages can go in a new buffer by default.)

Decided to post the changes I make to my Steam Deck (mostly to get OBS capture working in game mode, which I might be the only one who has a working setup for, as for some reason flatpak OBS no longer works for this).

stream announcement Ultimate NES Remix with toes continues.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!