@Nine im sorry i dont understand this word. it's like it has no meaning for me :blobdetective:

@creamsiclepanda are you drinking it with milk? after i ditched lactose coffee has no negative impact on me

tripsitting my nbfriend and two bestos. now that they've been taken care of i can cry myself into a panic attack :awoo:

@alis see, driers make sense because you don't want to have two heavier objects rotating at 1000RPM because it'd make the whole thing fly. You know that video with a drier and a brick?
I'd imagine that the shoe program disables the drier or something. Guess I'll try it out soon-ish

@alis I will blow your mind right now but my washing machine has a program for shoes. Can prove with a photo if needed

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!