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evil maia boosted

I just added a photo to my linkedin profile. I'm so pale and ruined that I think that I'm about to discover if anyone will be desperate enough to hire a skilled corpse.

@minego thank you!!
I always wanted to have my "own" keyboard. Guess I have a new passion project lol

@minego this looks absolutely lovely. Is this a DIY? Can you tell me how much it costs? I'm in love with it!


@lambdagrrl your rep is cemented.
Hope you're okay though

@azushark sim sala bim one MIDI is now a DIN.
Have fun checking which one it is :blobcat:

evil maia boosted

@bombshellbun cinnamon is good but kinda basic. If I can offer something else take a look at budgie

evil maia boosted

I'm a simple girl with simple tastes. I just need a girlfriend who wants to hold hands and bring #deathtoamerica

Sitting on a weather radar course cause why the f not. Imma be a cloud nerd :awoo:

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!