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Was ich auch immer ungewöhnlich finde: fast alle Menschen können Gargarin als ersten Menschen im All nennen, aber die erste Frau im All kennt irgendwie kaum wer (Valentina Tereshkova). Wahrscheinlich ist sogar Laika 🐶 eher präsent.🤔

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“This common gender word is missing from your list”: On underrepresentation and age in the Gender Census

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Quick fediverse diversity survey: who here speaks English as a second language? What is your mother tongue? What other languages do you speak?
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hier, followerdings. ein ernstes.
bekannter von mir stand heute abend vor seiner leergeräumten bude. und kam nicht mehr rein. untermieter-hauptmieter-story.
hat jemand einen wohnraum frei? in hamburg? zu sofort? evtl auch nur vorübergehend? dm an mich.

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Im bayerischen Schweinfurt ist ein 22jähriger aus Somalia geflüchteter im Polizeigewahrsam verstorben. Eine rassistische Tatmotivation kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden.

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"You're a woman!" he said.
"You can't use a sword!"
"But I do."
"Swords are manly."
He blushed. "They're long and hard... and, uh, thrust..."
"How is that manly?"
He died of embarrassment. She could have cut him down - she had a sword after all - but why bother?
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

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The Gender Census 2019 is now open until 25th March!

It's for anyone whose genders (or lack thereof) aren't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and the results are useful in academia, business, and self-advocacy.

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maj boosted

have you ever noticed that someone post a screenshot of text without providing an image description, preventing you from being able to read it? or maybe they posted a huge amount of text that just can't possibly be described with the image description feature?

simply tag @OCRbot in a direct reply to the image. it will download the image and scan it using tesseract OCR to output the text contained in the image!

because OCRbot runs on, it has a character limit of 65535, so even the longest images should work OK!

check the reply to this image to see it parsing the attached screenshot!

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Hello nice community,we have a big announcement to make! 🎉 went down one year ago short before we took over the project.It was a huge centralized service using this code.Starting today it's online again - Not as a centralized #Halcyon instance but as a information page with a improved instance list and much more.You can visit it at .We hope you like it 😍

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Some accessibility lessons:
- Excessive symbols and emojis (e.g. in names) are annoying. Stupid zalgo or math characters or whatever are read one by one.
- Links are spelled out with all those "slash slah colon" stuff.

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A couple things I saw and thought "Mastodon will love this":

- Alias, a 3D-printed "parasite" that sits on top of your Amazon Echo or Google Home, feeding white noise into its mic until you say the wake word:

- The adminbook, a wonderfully ugly design for the ideal sysadmin notebook:


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Shameless comics workshop plug/brag 

So in two weeks time there‘ll be another round of my workshop in .
It‘s unique in that it‘s not a basic course but an advanced project mentoring for everything you ever wanted to start/finish.
I already have enough attendees, but hey, we‘ll have comics phenomenon Ulli Lust talking about her creative process, we‘ll be printing an anthology and presenting it at this year‘s festival.
DM me for details if you're interested.

Lapplandreise Zugreise // teures Hotel 

Kleines Trostpflaster: Die schwedische Bahn bezahlt das Hotel. Preis egal. Also haben wir uns übers Wochenende in einer Lodge etwas außerhalb einquartiert für 250€/Nacht. Was tatsächlich hier oben noch nichtmal teuer ist, wenn man spontan ein Zimmer braucht. Und es gibt ne geile Sauna.

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Lapplandreise Zugreise 

Plan für heute: Zelte in Kiruna abbrechen und knapp 200km weiter nördlich nach Narvik in Norwegen fahren, damit wir morgen früh einen Tagestrip zum Polarpark machen können. Ein langer Traum von mir, endlich Wölfe zu besuchen. Tja. Und jetzt ist die Strecke wegen schlechtem Wetter komplett gesperrt. Kein Zug, kein Auto kommt durch. Kein Narvik, kein Polarpark, keine Wölfe. :blobsob: wir stecken in Kiruna fest bis Montag Abend. Dann geht's zurück nach Stockholm.

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I feel weird asking for financial support for my bit of music-making, writing and writing about music. On the other hand, we're still in a bit of a financial pinch - no thanks to the still ongoing marriage recognition saga (thus no sposal tax benefits) and me having had a bad year businesswise in 2018. And I feel much better about asking for a tip for my creations than just straight up asking for money.

So I'm trying this ko-fi thing:

Lapplandreise Zugreise Rentiere Food 

Heute: Rentiere besuchen und veganen(!) Cheesecake essen

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Grumbles about regulation of tech 

I wish we didn't have to constantly save the Internet

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!