what does google adsense think I'm into lmao (yes, I ordinarily block ads, this particular domain I have whitelisted)

I made a thingy! If anyone wants the actual file (inkscape SVG), just ask! I was making stickers out of them until I realised the vinyl I have doesn't actually stick to my printer's ink so it ended up all over my hand (think whiteboards, but with printed stuff)

Anyone know why I can't store a CryptoKey in IndexedDB in Firefox, but I can in Chromium?

can't wait for temperature fluctuations in the room to cause thermal shutdown

Oh no looks like they realised that Twitter isn't the only place with people

Not sure this fediverse thing is all it's chalked up to be smh smh

hello I would like to announce that I am done with programming, now I just make art in the style of vangogh

I sure do love Google My Business and all the quality reviews for the district's middle school

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!