Mary :blobpats: boosted

what does google adsense think I'm into lmao (yes, I ordinarily block ads, this particular domain I have whitelisted)

@maple ah, that explains why I couldn't find it. I wasn't looking on the matrix client

@maple can't seem to repro, are you looking at or is this somewhere else? (It looks like they do use piwik/matomo though) @lynnesbian we just need 3d pinball running in the browser with her head mapped onto a sphere and the ears for paddles

@lynnesbian really sad that the ears didn't become pinball paddles

Mary :blobpats: boosted

storing the dictionary in the blockchain who knows, KVM might not end up having *too* bad performance where it could be worth it or wine could run it reasonably decently have you tried linux on it? chances are really high that other people got fed up with it too and got it working decently under linux (or it already had decent support)

@amic walmart movies where they adapt the walls closing in cliche so that the protagonist is nearly crushed by aisles coming together

Oops, didn't mean to make that sensitive, but oh well

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I made a thingy! If anyone wants the actual file (inkscape SVG), just ask! I was making stickers out of them until I realised the vinyl I have doesn't actually stick to my printer's ink so it ended up all over my hand (think whiteboards, but with printed stuff) Looks like it is.. oh well! is that win10 only? or?

@lynnesbian is this a real thing I can do? If so I need this

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!