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Mary :blobpats: boosted

open if a japanese videogame corporation has been revealed to be cooperating with law enforcement in some way 

more like nintendo snitch

Anyone know why I can't store a CryptoKey in IndexedDB in Firefox, but I can in Chromium?

This is half shitpost, half serious curiosity: how much estrogen would it take for someone to die? 🤔

Instead of making intuitive UIs, lets bring back those 'tip of the day' popups whenever you start the program

Mary :blobpats: boosted
Mary :blobpats: boosted
Mary :blobpats: boosted

is it still procrastination if you're super productive while you're avoiding doing the other thing?

Mary :blobpats: boosted

@soren Slight problem: activitypub servers stop traversing threads at some point (up to implementation to decide) so after we get more than like 10 or so we may end up with forks on the chain (what I mean by this is two users signing the same message)

Sort of complaining about people complaining about browser memory usage 

I like when people complain about performance / RAM usage of what is essentially a virtual machine as if it's possible for it to get much better.

I removed the panel on the side of the machine and I think that is the only reason it's continuing to run right now

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can't wait for temperature fluctuations in the room to cause thermal shutdown

Mary :blobpats: boosted

Earlier today I was reminded of a shenanigan from 2015 in where @scunning and I took an Apple Lisa 2 to the Apple store on April Fool's day. The employees ended up getting a huge kick out of it, they found it a lot more entertaining than people who tried to fool them with cracked screen iPhone wallpaper.

Recommended reading:
Lethologica is the word for not being able to recall a word (that state of having a word on the 'tip of your tongue')

Mary :blobpats: boosted

Ravioli Ravioli...... wait a minute what's ravioli again?

Oh no looks like they realised that Twitter isn't the only place with people

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!