oh noooooo :( people should just stop doing that. CN transmisia for an anecdote under the readmore, you don't have to read it
@Jules reminds me of a professor who was like "I'm called xyz and that's not going to change ever! unless i have a ~sex change~ haha" when really he was just trying to say that some thing was permanent m(
@maunzikation Ĥaha ok vergessen das CW zu entfernen ^^ sorry
@Jules das passiert so leicht :D
@Jules viel Spaß draußen! 🌈✨
oh noooooo :( people should just stop doing that. CN transmisia for an anecdote under the readmore, you don't have to read it
@maunzikation wäääh, super //o\\
Es ist echt so schlimm. Ich hab auch noch eine ganze Kiste voller schlimmer Beispiele aus der Mathematik aber ich geh jetzt lieber erstmal raus ^^