Lastboost… Noel Arthur Heimpel is so cool I would buy their tarot deck even though I'm not usually into tarot
I never actually finished reading their webcomic Ignition Zero, but it's so pretty
And they made this wonderful short comic about their gender changing
I might adore them a tiny bit
@ikea_femme there was a survey about that once:
What do you think? @alice !!! she also has a squirrel tail in her pants a lot of the time and pleaaase don't make her big butt a sexual thing, a girl has to put her tail somewhere. @alice omg yes that too.
@alice oooh. yes! that would be sooo bad. I only want a squirrel-girl-y Squirrel Girl movie, definitely.
I'm not a fan of PETA, but… this is cute… do you remember Acrush, the Chinese casting band that is promoted as an "all girls boyband"? …there is a video of them hanging out with doggos for an Adopt Don't Shop ad 😹😻
"May! You can't even walk!"
"I can still fly."
I probably already tweeted that when I watched this episode the first time, hah. But May <3 May is my favourite grumpy fighting cat. 😻 #agentsofshield
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation