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Lastboost… Noel Arthur Heimpel is so cool I would buy their tarot deck even though I'm not usually into tarot

I never actually finished reading their webcomic Ignition Zero, but it's so pretty

And they made this wonderful short comic about their gender changing

I might adore them a tiny bit

Oh btw chpater 56 of Of Leaves and Stars exists now in case anyone else was waiting

I'm too lazy to read it now, but I'm definitely happy!!

I've never had to say the nonbinary honorific "Mx." Do I pronounce it Mix or like Mz (Mizz) but with a more X-ey sound? I just want to be sure.

Yeah I think my brain might be telling me something, I'll never know what, but probably something.

…the internet says that the ¯ in my keyboard layout should combine to things like ā like all other accents but it really doesn't @alice !!! she also has a squirrel tail in her pants a lot of the time and pleaaase don't make her big butt a sexual thing, a girl has to put her tail somewhere.

@alice oooh. yes! that would be sooo bad. I only want a squirrel-girl-y Squirrel Girl movie, definitely.

I really want a Squirrel Girl movie. And a Young Avengers TV series.

Today started in a "opening the tea carton is painfully loud" kind of way. Good morning.

Lol. I accidentally made a pdf of all the jpgs in my downloads folder. That is wonderful. Maybe I should go sleep but also, I might end up doing more ridiculously weirdcute stuff if I keep trying?

I'm not a fan of PETA, but… this is cute… do you remember Acrush, the Chinese casting band that is promoted as an "all girls boyband"? …there is a video of them hanging out with doggos for an Adopt Don't Shop ad 😹😻

"May! You can't even walk!"
"I can still fly."

I probably already tweeted that when I watched this episode the first time, hah. But May <3 May is my favourite grumpy fighting cat. 😻

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!