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The about page isn't bad, but there's no headings or anything (other than the instance title, which is a h2 instead of h1 for some reason)

For the most part, it isn't terrible.

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(Yes, *we* know what it means, because we can see the retweet icon and star icon; a screen reader doesn't have that advantage.)

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Frustratingly, the column headings aren't columns, and there's no easy way to jump to them. That mess of links at the top doesn't actually navigate to the relevant part of the page, it just tries to load it.

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Anyway, one fairly simple fix to this is a "screen reader" CSS class for "invisible" text. As an added bonus, it also makes copy-pasting keep some context.

First image: Added text in screen-reader class
Second image: Added CSS rules to clip the span to a 1x1 pixel
Third image: results of copy-pasting the text

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Removing them from a single post's page reveals there's no real meaning behind most of the data. What does "0 - 1" mean?

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Removing all styles from Mastodon reveals that the emoji button is absolutely gigantic. Yay SVGs.

Every cat deserves their own cardboard box to be happy in


We have so much room for excellent new people here on! If you want to try a new community, sign up:

It rained through the window :o I'm pretty sure that I stated in the Universal Declaration of Kitten Rights that a kitten has a right to listen to the rain without getting its paws wet?? But here we are

Coucou les mastonautes !

J'ai besoin de votre aide! Je viens de télécharger une super appli pour les podcast, qui ne demande qu'à être remplie!
Quels sont donc vos podcasts préférés? Lesquels voulez-vous me faire découvrir ?
Tous les sujets sont susceptibles de m'intéresser tant que c'est en français et pas trop technique.

Merci de votre aide (le repouet en est déjà une 😉)

Late for #LibreMonday again, but:
The #Tox project!
They aim to provide a secure peer-to-peer (for non techies, that means your stuff does not go through someone else's server) real time text, voice and video chat. They also have several clients.
Pictured: qtox UI, the client I use. The project and its clients are still experimental/alpha/beta software, so there are bugs, but it's already a useful piece of tech.

ps.:be careful, there are some shady users

…in my dream someone asked me to reinstall their Linux, but someone from here (🐘🐩) was also there and I asked them to do it.

Tech anxiety dreams, I love them for their non-plot.

There's this fairly popular one that I'm using right now, and it's made to be a bit like Duolingo except for a language that's not on Duolingo. Buuut it doesn't have any form of spaced repetition. Training is just "select the chapters you want to be quizzed on". And of course you can't export the vocabulary, presumably so you stay inside the app and pay for premium which unlocks study games, which, afaict, are not spaced repetition based either.

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Utopian concept: Language learning apps that let you export your vocabs to Anki if they don't have their own spaced repetition thingie

is life getting you down? are you having a bad day? are things just not going your way?
remember that

I know that maintaining the infrastructure for something like YouTube has to be ridiculously expensive, but we need a community run, open source, distributed solution like mastodon, but for Media sharing and distribution.

What like that is out there?

90s translucent electronics... boost if you agree

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!