@lordminx thank you 💜
Okay so… is #pcode still a thing? :o *might be sliding into a "I'm learning python" phase but isn't sure yet*
ragnar and guinness got to greet each other today. only two hisses so far, and both of them from the old man.
[fr] Bientôt chez vous… Mastodon 1.5 !
[en] Coming soon… Mastodon 1.5!
I'd really like to have a way to get only selected sound into my brain. Ears are really unspecific?! Just switch them off for the night and use the other sound thingie. I don't need to hear my neighbors our our dishwasher, only my audiobook pls
There is so much going on in this. Do I like the hair & clothes, the cybre surfing situation or the smol robot dog the most? I can't decide.
if you use the web version of hellbird and are tired of seeing "______ and n others liked this tweet" on your timeline here is an adblock/ublock rule i came up with which seems to do the job
maybe-amusing (ymmv) case of "pick your non-normativity, it can only be one" (+ trans-insensitivity)
I occasionally forget the plot of that one book on my Mount To Be Read, and look it up on Goodreads to decide if I want to read it next. And I'm always surprised/amused/annoyed to see this one question/answer pair below it.
Q: "Is the main character, Denise, Queer?"
A: "No. Denise is autistic. Her sister, Iris, is transgender (i.e., used to be her brother)."
Meine 3d-gedruckte Platinenfräse fräst endlich Platinen \o/ https://chaos.social/media/j8HBB3pCVEMwzm9mXVE https://chaos.social/media/lukyPkMc2ktvOZ-yrEc
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation