@necrosis I kind of read/did the first few chapters of some tutorial and then stopped for some unknown reason m)
Yay, endlich Heiter Scheitern Folge 59 gehört. http://www.scheitern.org/?p=640
Was ist den aktuell ein guter E-Book Reader auf dem eins frei mit den Dateien hantieren kann. Tolino? #followerpower #auchaufmastodon
q to anyone who uses gnu ring (https://ring.cx/en): whats the difference between it and tox (https://tox.chat/)
Ich mag keine Hörspiele, und ich mag es nicht, wenn Hörbücher HörspielElemente haben :s Einfach nur vorlesen, bittedanke. Keine Geräusche dazwischen. Gleichmäßige Lautstärke. Und die Stimmen nicht übertreiben. (Nein, ich will mir wirklich nicht 11 Stunden lang anhören, wie diese Aliens ~wirklich~ klingen.) *jammerjammer*
A few bumps on the way, but I think GNU Ring is the way forward from the privacy disaster of microsoft's skype.
Please chat me up if you install it and have time and I'll respond in the evenings my time after work.
I have to buy a mic and camera I suppose at some point. I haven't used either since microsoft bought skype (I stopped using it).
blackhoodie #3, Reverse Engineering Bootcamp for women:
On 25./26. November in Luxembourg, you only pay transport and maybe accomodation, grants are available.
Registration by 3. September.
@necrosis ich weiß nicht so im Detail, aber ein Menschi das ich kenn das da dabei ist encouraged immer alle, es zu abonnieren :D
@necrosis ach ich glaub ganz so knapp ist das nicht. Aber wenn du eh gerne die pdfs liest :)
@necrosis @necrosis@witches.town über verschiedene AStAs und so, so viel ich weiß :)
@necrosis@witches.town (oh, btw, ist mir gerade noch eingefallen, vielleicht weißt du das eh, aber falls nicht: man kann Queerulant_in auch abonnieren (kostet nichts), so um jede Ausgabe mitzukriegen und auf Papier zu haben und so ^^ http://www.queerulantin.de/?page_id=678)
hey this is an emergency like i really can't afford my phone bill. ive been making payments towards it but i still need $235 because they are charging me overdraft fees. i have prof to show if you need it. but i really need help. please. please boost if you can.
Hello world.
I make comics. Let's see if I figure out how to use this network.
Anyone has a clue how tent.io compares to other #fediverse protocols?
Atm I'm not sure if this is finally a universal protocol or just some over-complicated mess that never will hit Version 1.0. https://queer.party/media/tKwweYxDiEtVGRO5bmI
And some people spend years consistently learning more and more about the same thing. And I'm here like… I tried reading about this once but then i closed the tab and forgot that it existed?
Learning things is so frustrating, omg. You spend several minutes on it, get some nice "oh wow yay I learned something" moments, look up, and see that you're still at the very beginning and there is so much more to learn and THEN more and you KNOW you won't be able to stick to it for more than maybe a week, when you will still have learned, like a lot, but also basically nothing.
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation