@vfrmedia@cybre.space @Jules oh that sounds great! photograph all the floof 🦄
and this https://giphy.com/gifs/eating-gallery-watermelon-v0chtzArxVklO [cat ferociously fighting a whole watermelon way bigger than itself]
and this cat https://giphy.com/gifs/popcorn-cat-EBDXQI8mRX1u0 [cat with its nose buried in popcorn bowl]
I am this cat https://giphy.com/gifs/sweet-fruit-yesterday-JDYaNuLNsFQ0o [floof cat passionately eating watermelon]
@Jules oh yes, snacks are important for the things-doing ^-^ https://giphy.com/gifs/aOqVDcqUQt1BK
@Jules awwwww :3
@Jules this is going to be such a challenge https://giphy.com/gifs/ehf0aa6zJoEtG
@Jules oh yes, we might have to fight very hard to win it back :o :o https://giphy.com/gifs/cat-lol-vFKqnCdLPNOKc
@Jules ooomg yes! and it is probably not giving any back!
@Jules *looks very intently at the cute cat gifs to try and find it* :3
@Sargoth mew, doze, fishie, USB, caterpillar
Distributed internet without being beholden to single, powerful entities is possible with the technology of today. You don't need new magic elixirs to fix this
There just needs to be motivation to adopt it. Federated social media, like Mastodon, is a step in the right direction, but there needs to be more work done at the infrastructure level
The authoritarian regimes are scrambling to ban the tools of anonymity (VPN, Tor etc...)
All the more reason to resist similar legislation at home. Here, it's a different culture so they'll use throttling and other "passive" motivators to willingly elicit compliance without actually calling it what it is: A prelude censorship
This is part of why Net Neutrality was so feared here. Not only could they make more money, they can sink their fangs deeper into the privacy of the average citizen
Im AJZ (autonomes jugendzentrum in erfurt) wurde von der Polizei verwuestet.
Nach dem ~2 Nazis im AJZ auftauchten gab's Stress und die Polizei wurde gerufen. Die Polizei die ankam 'sicherte' das Gebaeude. Genutzt wurden unter anderm ein Rammbock. Die Verwendung von Schluesseln wurde trotz Angebot von den Betroffenen boycotiert.
Waehrend der Durchsuchung durfte niemand das Gebaeude betreten.
Nach der Verwuestungsaktion sind sie wieder abgezogen. Zahlen soll wohl die Partei die den Streit began
@Jules ooh! I will try to get myself motivated :3 (I kind of started to learn but then stopped again, ah, the usual.)
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation