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But right now there is a tiny bit of wind and everything is almost bearable every few seconds, nice

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& 10 minutes ago the street was wet from rain and now it's almost dry & wtf can I have a little more winter please

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Oh yeah, that would explain why it feels unbelievably warm today. 37°C o.O usually 33 is already really really warm for here.

Any #recommendations for an instance where I possibly could find some folks at Locarno film festival? #locarno70 #filmfestival

a signed integer walks into a doctor's office shouting "doctor doctor all my bits are flipped on, am i gonna die?"
the doctor just shakes their head and responds "my my, you're such a negative one"

Hey y'all. Please tell me if you know of a safe place for a trans woman to rent a room or share an apartment in the Los Angeles area. Thanks, y'all. <3

Life is better when you meow whenever you want to!!!!

I want to sleep, but I used Windows today and it's still installing updates

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I would bury my nose in a floof dog's fur and fall asleep, do not mock me for I have claws

I can put this another way:
Writing prompt!
AI realizes capitalism and patriarchy and white supremacy are garbage and helps marginalized peeps against global elites. Go!

payment / donation systems 

following up on this a day later, i want to be clear: i'm not saying you shouldn't use these platforms because their ethics are questionable. my concern is that these platforms may discriminate against *you, specifically* because of the things you
may need to do to survive. use whatever works to your heart's content, but while your income is tied to any one them, your survival is tied to their terms 😬 we can do better for each other. we can all have a tomorrow!

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payment / donation systems 

liberapay eats a butt-ton of fees for money going in *and* coming out. patreon caved to the alt-right. paypal hates sex workers. virtually everything out there feels region-locked, prototypal or corpertastic, feature-bloated and feature-starved. even the coop options just shift the centralization problem into their own hands. that's not a fix! come on.

i'm real close to using a million acceptance methods in tandem with a spreadsheet. it'd be easier for everyone i swear

HRT stuff, a question 

do the mood swings level out over time? i just switched to injections over topical T and boy howdy am i feeling ornery

Also, @lordminx, @kex_nom and I debated it in meatspace and had to come to the conclusion that Suricrasia Online is probably a real legit anthropomorphic-shark-in-maid-outfit-run ISP. It wasn't fair of us to doubt, but logic could finally show us the way.

Tired cat, had a good day, is now making itself sad, meow ✨

Are there any AI stories where the AI realizes capitalism is bullshit and it's marginalized peeps plus AI versus global elites? That'd be chill

@anal wow! Yeah, mine is a galaxy s plus, bought in 2012, but they exist since 2010 too.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!