Die Stellungnahme von Läden ausm Schanzenviertel rockt.
"Wir leben und arbeiten hier, bekommen seit vielen Wochen mit, wie das „Schaufenster moderner Polizeiarbeit“ ein Klima der Ohnmacht, Angst und daraus resultierender Wut erzeugt. [… Dass die Probleme] nicht nur mit polizeitaktischen und repressiven Mitteln beantwortet werden können, scheint im besoffenen Taumel der quasi monarchischen Inszenierung von Macht und Glamour vollkommen unter den Tisch gefallen zu sein."
@desikitteh yes, I should theoretically know that. It's just that thinking of times when I wasn't convinced about that makes me feel uneasy and like I'm close to imagining that kind of stressful shit.
dream, brain stuff
Ugh I dreamed something about finding someone I like unconscious (the dream was very short and cut off soon after that), and I'm still thinking about that dream for some reason, which somehow reminds me of ANOTHER dream that I had years ago and that was about my best friend becoming a ghost because we didn't take good care of her, and I believed then that someone was sending me a message via that dream, and that was connected to "people are reading my thoughts" stuff, and ugh
crossposting from twitter, https://twitter.com/NireBryce/status/885655558178701313
a lot of the reason cis people keep paying/giving platform to newly out trans writers is that, among all the other things, they're likely to make mistakes that the cis people, especially those who want us erased, can use as the crack in the armor, the leverage. so they can go 'look! a prolific writer said this!"
the longer you're out and the longer you're around the less and less you'll get hired to write for these platforms, generally, and thats mostly because with experience comes actually learning things and the slice of what you know expands
yesesyesyesyes i will now feed the cat (me) and listen to more book
sometimes being open to doing things other than not-doing-things really pays off
Ok, I am a very tired cat but I will at least go and check if I have a not-broken version of that book
It is a fairly entertaining book and I will even get out of bed to try and finish it
my cat strumpan got a nasty bite which developed into an abscess&infection and she needs minor surgery today. the first visit cost me 2500 SEK and this one will cost me at least 3500 SEK which lands at 6000 (approx 800 dollars)
any help is appreciated ✨ i am disabled and disability benefits only covers the basics
thank you, and may you have a wonderful day ✨🙏💖
@ghost @allophilia :D (diy sex toys are soo cool! It's such a pity that silicone is way too expensive to just mess around with it without a good plan :s)
The stickers has arrived! \o/
… and you can get them for (almost) free!
We're offering them - but not the shipping.
Either: send us a letter, with something nice *and* the samps required to send you a letter back with the stickers; or; pay us something like 2€ so we send it directly to you.
530 Chemin de Cartouche
30220 Aigues-Mortes
https://soc.ialis.me/media/a76Jt7Ukeihkrw6n0II https://soc.ialis.me/media/bGjCn_cODxQp9Qrc3uM
@ghost that blog also has this very cybre colorful led dildo there http://www.toymakerproject.com/hammer/
@ghost it would be body safe in theory, it's a silicone DIY project, but it didn't really work and the TARDIS created tears in the material so it was never used: http://www.toymakerproject.com/tickler/#more-159
So, some friends and I are forming a rural hackerspace / permaculture village / homesteading cooperative of sorts, up in the mountain northwest. Still in the land-searching, saving-up-moneys phase, but the 5 to 8 of us core members have already helped each other build off-grid homes and lived together as neighbors, so at least we have that proof-of-concept / experience / confidence, so it's maybe slightly less pie-in-the-sky than other similar ideas...
Questions and boosts welcome!
smol cat learning about the cyber machines. EN & DE. they, it / per, es, ersie, xier. @maunzikation @maunzikation