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No but the real issue is that I really hate all ways to do that that I can think of

Oh dear kittens I really want to punch something right now

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I need some ways to not-push-away feelings without spending too much energy on them but also… I mean just ignore it???? And then let yourself get consumed by it????? It's really not that hard *eyeroll*

Also rich cruel Cat Grant being ~inspiring~ and sometimes ~feminist~ without any hint that the viewers are supposed to see it as a joke? That confuses me every single time. o.O

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Omg Supergirl is so preachy and authority-loving and… I remember why I stopped watching it

Orphan Black s05e05 


but also I'm super annoyed that taking Kira's eggs is somehow worse than other things they could do? I mean unconsensual medical procedures are bad. But… I really don't see why this should be worse than any other kind, and I'm angry about it, idk.

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Vous avez des recommandations de livres sur les questions féministes et/ou trans?

question for all you tech-savvy folks out on my feed:
is it feasible to run a mastodon instance over a network w/o port forwarding? like, just over a LAN?

@natanji oder anders: keine Form, neu oder alt, hat NBs wirklich automatisch mit drin, sondern eben nur, wenn der Zusammenhang und der Inhalt das nahelegt. Ich fände es schön, wenn alle nicht-spezifischen Formen Enbys mit dein hätten.

I'm looking for texts on BDSM/kink and neurodiversity. Any ideas?

@natanji finde Teilnehmende genauso unsichtbar machend wie TeilnehmerInnen. Teilnehmer*innen und Teilnehmlons werden halt einfach eher in kontexten verwendet, in denen Enbys nicht (ganz so) unsichtbar gemacht werden. Aber bei * und _ merkt man schon, dass es oft mehr eine Formübung ist und NBs gar nicht wirklich mitgedacht sind. Das unterscheidet sich für mich nicht vom Binnen-I, leider. Mit tollen Inhalten dagegen bin ich glücklich, da ist mir die Schreibweise fast schon egal.

Saw doggo dragged along on swishy floor. Do not drag smol smelly cat pls, it might have feelings?

Cat looks cybre, giv cat job without claw convincement pls? (wants to keep claws clean & professional-looking)

so we asked the neural network to name our company, based on all the things people like the most. heres what it suggested:

New Cars Vacation Family
Money TV
Hamburger Hamburger Hamburger
Sex Cats Japan

@guerrillarain I ate honey when I was vegan, and know other people who eat it, but many don't. And for the vegan certifications I know, the product can't contain honey. But yeah, there's no definite answer. Depends on everyone's definition of vegan, too. ("no animal labour" vs "nothing that was taken from an animal" vs "nothing that harms an animal" and lots more.) Also how you view insects, which gets really complicated fast ^^;

Yes, it's the middle of July and I'm just starting my monthly page, gracefully, with no scribbling over mistakes at all.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!