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And for people who aren't beginners it's probably a lot of fun because there are text adventures designed specifically to learn Chinese? But I think at least one of them is paid. But still.

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A lot of the other content is not meant for beginners, but the frequency-based spaced repetition thingie definitely works for me (I use it for practising writing, I only mark a word/character as good when I can actually write it), and the dialogues are above my level but still fun when I want to see some real sentences and maybe learn a word or two. (They are like LingQ, but less annoying/overwhelming, or like BliuBliu, but without the need to use a seperate dictionary / trust google translate.)

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We all know that I don't have the willpower to learn languages, but… I'm currently in a "I'm totally learning Mandarin" phase, for like the 5th time probably, and I discovered one thing that is super helpful:

This tone training course!

Actually, the whole Wordswing site is totally worth checking out, it's freemium but mostly free.

Die erste Folge, über Trans* und Synchronisationen, war btw super gut:

Und inzwischen gibt es insgesamt 5 Folgen.

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Ich hör Podcasts ja immer nur so sporadisch, und bin bei fast gar keinen am neuesten Stand.

Also, heute in Nicht-ganz-neue-Podcast-Folgen-nachhören: Rührcast Folge 2! Es geht um Serien und Cola.

@paulfree14 ui :/ ich hatte ja sogar hier Angst vor fiesen Kommentaren, aber bisher ist zum Glück gar nichts ungutes gekommen. Andererseits haben es noch nicht so viele Menschen gesehen :D Aber ich hoff, das bleibt einfach so.

So schade, wie schwierig das sein kann. Ich freu mich jedes Mal, wenn es doch wo klappt :) Trau mich aber selbst bei den meisten Sachen nicht, das einzubringen.

@paulfree14 oooh, I love that! I refer to my flatmates as Mitbewohnis all the time. I've never seen it used in a book, do you remember what it was called?


tfw the cat is excited about getting food, except you ARE the cat so you get both the excitement and the "awww how cute yes of course I will feed you" part!

Also… "alle TeilnehmerInnen (damit meine ich Frauen, nichtbinäre Menschen und Männer)" zu einer regelmäßigen Floskel machen? ^^

Nicht als einzige Lösung, natürlich. Aber parallel zu anderen Sachen fänd ich das echt schön.

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So, inspiriert von @lilletale und einer Diskussion, die ich vor einiger Zeit hatte: ich fände es wirklich schön, das Binnen-I enby-inklusiv zu machen.

Momentan ist das ja nicht so, weil es nicht von den Leuten verwendet wird, die auch Enbys meinen.

Aber es spricht imo nichts dagegen: Es ist einfach ein Wort, mit einer Erhebung drinnen für "und zwar nicht nur exakt das, was da steht". Ausgesprochen wird es ohnehin gleich wie _ und *

Is there anyone here on SoundCloud who is going to need another place to host audio?

I'm planning to set up MediaGoblin soonish, but could step up the timetable if other people needed to use it.


oops I forgot to eat because I got distracted by trying so solve the German language

Just sorta started writing a little sum up of what #transfeminism is for a dictionary-ish entry. Anyone have input on what I need to make part of it? I already have the integration of intersectional analysis, plurality of sexisms and rejection of essentialist views on gender. Anyone but Julia Serano and Raywyn Connel that are important thinkers to add?

So, I put my thoughts on gender neutral German and accessibility on the discourse:
Ich hab mal meine Gedanken zu einer geschlechtsneutralen deutschen Übersetzung & deren Barrierefreiheit gepostet:

(The current translation uses masculine forms and, at one point, refers to users as "he", but all solutions that I know raise accessibility issues. Please share your thoughts?)

@creatrixtiara okay, addition to 4: I fell in love with the cybre diy tech feel. The creative URLs + being kind of insular, yet connected.

Also: That admins can block instances. That I can choose an instance that suits me, CoC-wise.

@creatrixtiara (I'm nb)

1. someone on birbsite kept advertising it. at first I was like "I don't want to get used to a new thing, also is this like when we all made Quitter accs that we didn't use?" but then I tried it
2. no (I sometimes comment on issues and I regularly put a thumbs up emoji on the ones i like… uh.)
3. no.
4. first "I like being part of new shit that won't last, let's have a look", then the nerdy queerness, absence of birbsite structural bs, post visibility levels

This isn't good... 4/7 of the .io root domains were available for purchase and purchased by a security researcher.

There is nothing good about this.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!