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request for advice on trans issues wrt international travel 

This weekend I'll be flying internationally but my passport still says $deadname and a M on it. Is there a risk of the customs/immigration folks in Argentina being like "you're a girl and clearly not this dude you can't enter on his passport lol"? Would it be safer for me to boymode for the flight? (Or same thing returning to the US?)

(It's okay to boost this btw.)

I was thinking about what I didn't like about that therapist that I stopped seeing in March-ish. And. Empty optimism!! So much "well you think you can't do it, but I think you can!" without actially engaging with what I said, ugh. I could just talk to some chatbot for that.

hey masto, i'm having this idea and i'm not sure if anyone who likes illustrating might be interested

it's a barterish thing, in which someone who likes illustrating avatars, who also likes authentic ’80s dance music (not typically heard elsewhere), would be down for drawing a new social media avatar for me in exchange for a 2-hour live-DJ'd set unique for you (which would be an mp3 or m4a file of your choosing). if you're interested, i'd love to see your work. likewise, i can point you to some of my posted music sessions

(for more info, i talked about this on aviansite a bit earlier: )

I had to abandon my room because someone is drilling and hammering into the wall right next to where I like to exist, it is terrible. I am now a kitchen cat (could be worse).

Okay I might need to become a dormouse furry at some point just warning you

BTW I know a lot of here on here like interactive fiction, and a good number like lisp/scheme or are lisp-curious, so here's an interactive fiction game where you learn lisp with a genie tutor

I want to find some good comics with trans characters. Anyone have suggestions? Novels also appreciated

Alright, here is the podcast!

Some caveats:

- There were angles and viewpoints I didn't cover because they evaporated from my mind as soon as I hit record. Also, my notes are a mess.

- It mentions Patreon at the end. I obviously do not have a Patreon set up *yet* but I will do, at some point, and this podcast will be part of that.

Anyway, please hit me with that feedback! :)

Honestly, this Queer Hacking book(?) thingie (paid) makes me think half of Mastodon has something to submit, and probably should

(Birbsite thread by a person who is behind that project:

masto meta 

when there is one arrow under a toot, it's a singular toot

when there is a double-arrow, that toot is part of a thread

it's a small thing, but it's useful information

also, hydration reminder

Ouch, the Budapest public transport came out with a horribly amateurish mobile ticket website, riddled with security holes, and one of the people who *responsibly disclosed* such a hole has now been arrested.

And this guy is just 18yo and used the developer tools to modify a request to change the amount of money a ticket cost. Jeez.

me trying to socialize 

hey, look
*points at a cat*
*makes a series of communicative but utterly incomprehensible hand gestures*

mastodon is dead, meta 

would brands bring masto to life? i'd rather stay dead

would celebrities like ann coulter bring it to life? i'd rather stay dead

i'm pretty sure additional users or an expanding fediverse will not bring masto to life in the eyes of those who argue it's dead

if dead means a caring environment of interests and shitposts, then i'd rather stay dead

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!