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A quick search brought up two companies doing or planning this right now:
The Swedish startup hub Epicenter (apparently as an option, not mandated):
US - Wisconsin's Three Square Market (also non-mandatory):

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And ultimately, working people, who need to accept various demeaning work conditions already to get paid and survive, will be unable to resist this new encroachment unless organized, at the workplace level or better yet, across industries and world wide. Resisting one by one gets you fired and hungry. Resisting as a group or as a class gets the goods.

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With this talk of companies implanting chips in employees' actual private physical bodies, there's some highly predictable discourse coming.
Liberals of all stripes (but especially libertarians & ancaps) will be shocked at the idea to some degree but defend employees' "right" to "voluntarily" be chipped. They will argue that workers should refuse but that it's their "right" to allow it, too (and of course, the employees' "right" to mandate it.)

Omg, Briar sounds so cybre *-* who of my meatspace ppl wants to try it?? I want to scan ALL your QR-Codes :3

Who is going to the Locarno Film Festival? #locarno70

Please Retoot.

i would really support people taking national flags out of their username and posts. tbh i wont follow people posting national flags.

if using them to show language, why not [en] [de] [es]? anyway languages are not bound by borders. πŸ™€ dreadful!! v good creepy tale for frightens πŸ‘

@SukinoSenze or if you want something more diy, this exists (I haven't heard anything on how well it works though)

how people think trans folks decide on their transition paths: one step at a time, operating on things they've felt from birth

how trans folks actually decide on that sort of thing: *points at sexy werewolf/robot/eldritch abomination* transition goals

Hey y'all. I know it's been a few days. I've been busy with some things.

I'm taking commissions right now. In general, I'll draw any request, but for now I'm advertising profile images. I'm asking $25, and I can style it however you'd like.

I posted this on BIrdsite and Crumblr, and Kit suggested I post here. I was nervous about the self promotion, but at this point, after this month, I'll have no money to support myself. If you could please, please Boost this post, I'd appreciate even that.

hi, i have an announcement.
ATTENTION all non-binary & lgbt+ thriving writers, artists, photographers, film artists, etc., looking to submit their work to an online zine, please check out my online zine that i created called Adolescent Creatures:

-for updates, we're on tumblr, twitter, and instagram too

-our first issue's theme is 'First Person' and will be live until Sep 1. please read the guidelines on our website first

pls retoot and share! thank you I don't want to get close enough to see that, what if they attack :0 mostly because I'm scared of the .s :D

Honestly I'm only comfortable with natural numbers, preferably no higher than 25.

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I didn't realise that you could theoretically do modulo with numbers that are not, like, 3 or 8 or 25, but, like, 3.74 or some similar obscenity O.O This is mortifying, why did nobody prevent it.

mastodon extended info page got a re-design

go look and put feedback if you have any!

Sometimes I'm ashamed for my blatant lack of respect for example sentences, but objectively it's really cute.

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yes "Why is BamboozleCat cuddling the snek" is totally what the snek language tutorial used in their example leave me alone

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!