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Anybody got a dump of I might or might not set up a mirror (or seed via torrent) if I get my grubby little hands on this.

[fr] Après avoir passé environ trois semaines avec mon nouvel ordinateur, je pense qu’il est plus que temps pour moi de commencer à regarder le prix des enceintes… Comme je ne m’y connais pas vraiment, pouvez-vous me dire ce qu’il est important de regarder quand on souhaite acquérir une enceinte ?

[en] Now that I have my new computers since almost three weeks, I think it's time for me to start looking at speaker's price… Since I don't really know anything about those, do you think you can tell me what's important to look at when buying a new speaker?

⚪ a man
⚪ a woman
🔘 a freesoftware distribution who tries to make sysadmin accessible to everyone because we need everyone to decentralized Internet!

and I'm looking for:
🔘 users 💕
🔘 volunteers with all sort of skillz (communicating, programming (python/shell/lua), sysadmin, UX, html/css/js, translating, you name it!) that wants to join our adventure to improve the world, have fun and makes software that matters for humans 😊

Join us \o/

wikipedia politics transmisogyny 

For anyone who didn't notice it yet - TERFs have hijacked the wikipedia article for "Femme".
Now the article is not about femmes or lesbian / bi history, but mostly about how trans girls / camab folk are supposedly "appropriating" the term.

Not as if my day wasn't bad enough already.

Enough is Enough: **German Government Bans #Linksunten #Indymedia**

"The German government banned the linksunten.indymedia website today. According to German mainstream media the decision was given to 3 alleged “operators” of the indymedia platform. Screenshot: Report that the German federal interior ministery banned linksunten. Submitted to Enou…"


Purism is crowdfunding an encrypted Linux phone!

Powered by open-source, this smartphone respects your privacy. Librem 5 will run the Linux PureOS distribution instead of Android, and will include a slate of features aimed at helping you protect your ‘digital identity’ — including end-to-end encryption of calls and texts made to other Librem 5 handsets ---> #privacy #Linux #security #mobile #phone #PureOS #Librem #Purism #OpenSource #crowdfunding

A blessing 

Cats gravitate towards you

Send me a list of your favorite books starring queer women. My kindle is thirsty.

(Citizen-run libraries are subversive as heck and lead to luxury gay space communism)

((I am just saying))

No amount of "great for rock climbing and yoga!" is going to make it better. I'm planning on wearing these with Birkenstocks and napping in various travel locations in them.

So I've decided I'm just going to tell people I'm on the cutting edge of a fashion trend they haven't heard of, like Normcore from 2014 or whatever. Cuddlecore? Cozycore?

@Neea a perdu son chat, Diesel, aux alentours du 15 août 2017. Il a été vu pour la dernière fois Inzinzac-Lochrist dans le Morbihan (Bretagne, France).
Si vous le voyez, n’hésitez pas à le contacter sur son compte birdsite

S’il vous plaît, boostez ce message autant que possible.

#MastoCats #ChatsPerdus


been a little curious about the famous, or infamous, synthetic hallucinogen DOM, or STP, 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetamine. it has an evil reputation thanks to being distributed as acid in pills that contained far too much of the stuff. it's also reported to last a bit too long for comfort (although honestly I can say the same thing about LSD.) don't suppose anyone here's tried the stuff?

I'll probably get everything prepped for a #MutantStandard 0.03 release soonish.

There will be a bunch of extras to make transitions between versions easier, and better ways to import emoji into your communities!

- Changelogs so you can understand what has changed from one version to the next.
- 128px PNGs for optimal Discord and Slack use.
- 512px PNGs for Telegram (they will be basic, but you will have them!).
- More convenient ways to credit me in various chat platforms E:.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!